This morning, I was up at about 530, and left at about 6 for my workout. After that, I ran over to Hannaford, and then stopped at Gene's Market to pick up a couple of breakfast pizzas--which I think is like a Maine tradition, since I never heard of them in Mass. Anthony and I made our usual Starbucks trip, and then we all went over to the Apple Farm in Fairfield. Below, Nannie juggles her bag of Macs while trying to keep hold of a VERY enthusiastic Callum.
And here is Mommy with a STILL SLEEPING Callum. The Apple Farm is a great little place out in the Fairfield country. They have a working cider press, and make the best cider I've ever had (short of Johnny's in Easton, that is). Also, they have a "downhome" farm store, selling local produce, cheeses, milks, soaps, knitted goods, local teas and coffees, and buttfors. When Papa Goldsmith and Granbabs come up in a couple of weeks, we'll go to the same place again, since it will be their "open house" weekend.
My mom had it in her mind to have a traditional turkey dinner while she was up, and Anthony and I came through--with a little twist. This morning, while doing our Starbucks run, Anthony decided to buy a turkey fryer--everyone always talks about how awesome they are, and I guess we wanted to see if they were right. He got one that plugs in; it holds a 14 pound turkey, and can also be used to steam and boil things like lobster, clams, etc. We set it up in the garage, and let the oil heat up to 400 degrees before meticulously lowering the turkey into the peanut oil. How many morons does it take to lower a turkey into oil???
The result was a beautiful turkey, and, for a while, we wondered if Anthony might leave Kristin for the turkey he cooked. Twon also made his "secret recipe" mashed potatoes. I put together a stuffing accented with sausage and white wine, and we made some biscuits. Finally, we boiled up some corn just picked this morning at the Apple Farm, and it was absolutely delicious. J'ever notice how I never make it into any of these dinner photos?? Maybe someday Amanda can take the picture . . ..
Callum, taking a break from reading the instructions to Nannie's knitting project, CANNOT BELIEVE Auntie KK's story about the latest Metlife gossip.....
Maybe next time you and Anthony can cook the turkey in Starbucks coffe and call it turkey vente. Nice picture of 3 turkeys. Glad you had a good time, what no MUSHROOMS?
I love the last picture of Callum, Nannie and Auntie KK! It's priceless!!
Looks like you are all having a great time.
The dinner looks fabulous; the turkey, potatoes, stuffing, corn and even fresh biscuits mmmmmm!!
But where the heck are the SNACKS????
Nannie says,,,,
Deep fried turkey
APple picking at the farm
Weekend with Calllum,, PRICELESS!
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