Season premiere's are fast approaching, and I find myself excited about a couple of TV shows coming back...maybe it is because of the writer's strike and how last season's TV shows ended so abruptly. I really do believe we are in the "Golden Age" of television; when I was a kid, people always used to say how TV would "rot your brain." However, with the caliber of such well written shows as we have now, I think TV can actually be an educational experience; the shows are watch are SO well written, that I often have trouble (okay, I ALL THE TIME) have trouble following plot lines. The three shows Sally and I will watch are NCIS, THE OFFICE, and THE UNIT. I firmly believe that THE UNIT is the best television show going right now, and I would be hard pressed to find a program more well written. I wish it would get the credit in deserves, and not slapped with a Sunday night at 10 pm stigma this season. Oh well. And THE OFFICE is just brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. Here are some shows I used to get excited about as a kid. What about you??
* DIFFERENT STROKES: (I had a crush on Kimberly). This was a huge show in my childhood, and I remember my mom using it as a "carrot" for me to be good...."if you dont behave, then you dont get to watch Arnold," she used to say
*SILVER SPOONS: Ricky Shroeder, his rich dad, and his dad's hot girlfriend Kate all lived in this mansion where there was a train that ran through the living room (a toy train)
*THE COURTSHIP OF EDDIE'S FATHER: Remember this show? "People let me tell you 'bout my be-e-e-st friend/he's a warm hearted boy, he's my up, my down, my pride and joy." Basically a show about cute little Eddie's father, a widow, trying to get some early 80's tail (the decade, not the age of the women he was after)
*BEVERLY HILLS 90210: If you are between 30-40 and say you didnt watch it, then you're lying. Surprisingly, I found zero girls on the show good looking. To be truthful, I was captivated by the ironic situations and the tantalizing plot lines....and I just couldnt take my eyes off Tori Spelling, whose acting was like a trainwreck personified
*NICKELODEON CLASSICS: Before they "sold out" and started making educationally based, politically correct shows, they had some real winners like "Pinwheel," which seemed to be on from 7AM to 1PM somehow. Also, there was "Today's Special," where Jeffrey, the mannequin, came to life after the store closed, and partied all night with some girl who enjoyed hanging out with mannequins too, Sam Krenshaw, the marionette store security guard, and Muffy, a talking mouse afflicted with a disease that caused her to rhyme everything she said. There was "OUT OF CONTROL" with Dave Coulier and "Dizz," Turkey TV, "You can't do that on television" (what do you think is IN the burgers???), and "Mr. Wizard's World," where an aging professor Emeritus at a local community college invited neighborhood children to come over and see how big his crystal could get.....
SUPERMARKET SWEEP: A "B List" gameshow based around the culture of a grocery store; contestants had to race around like idiots trying to find the cheapest grape soda or antibacterial soap. But the host was a tool with a speech impediment, and he made it fun to watch.
Some shows I NEVER got excited about watching, despite their overwhelming popularity
THE COSBY SHOW-Slow humor. Bill Cosby is hilarious, but I just got too annoyed with Rudy
THE FRESH PRINCE OF BEL-AIR-Talk about a double standard? What about if it was a show about a middle class white kid who went to go live with his ghetto "izzaunt" and uncle and tried to "play the part?" Plus, it just wasnt funny. Alphonso Ribiero is like the Matt Cassel of early 90's TV
FRIENDS: Was this supposed to be a comedy?
When is the season premier of "are you being served" Poor Callum is going to get made fun of at school when all the kids are watching Dora and he is talking about Mr. Humphreys...
What about Webster??
How about:
Family Ties
Who's the Boss?
They were some of my favorites along with:
Knots Landing
The Muppet Show
Love Boat
Steve Cee and I still watch 90210 re-runs on Soapnet (yes we are dorks!)
I am not lying when I say I did not watch 90210. I wasn't allowed.
amanda wasnt allowed to watch 90210 because she was only allowed to watch stuff that originally aired on the BBC. The Muppets were wonderful. Never saw Knots Landing. Who's the boss was good, but the sexual tension between Tony and Angela got a little too overplayed.
CUT IT OUT-D.Coulier
Green slime.
Supermarket Sweep, when you're yelling at the tv because you know where the hidden prize is and they don't. AISLE 5! Always stock up on the meats and detergent.
I watch 90210 now since I bought the first and second seasons on DVD. But I miss all of the old shows that used to be on Nickelodeon. Fraggle Rock? Saved By the Bell? Muppet Babies? Smurfs?
I loved...
Family Ties
The Cosby Show
Our House
Who's the Boss?
Kate and Ali
Saved by the Bell
And some family double-dare show that we loved to watch as kids! Does anyone remember what this was called?
For more recent shows, Friends is my all-time favorite, followed by House, CSI New York, Criminal Minds, The Unit, Dancing with the Stars, Big Brother...tv right now is great.
Our House was great. I loved "Gus" who was played by WIlford Brimley. Here's a trivia question for you: On the show, what was Gus's best friend's name??? Hint: He always wore a "gentlemen's cap"
kristin you take back that shot at mr. humphries!!! He was the first gay guy I ever knew!!
I never missed an episode of 90210. Cue up Mike Darucki.
Ja, watch Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia this thursday at 10 on FX. best comedy on TV. Plus you can laugh with all your Phillies friends.
Just the Ten of Us....
Small Wonder...
Punky Brewster
Still don't like Mr. Humphries Tim, Im just looking out for my newphew.
Two that I just remembered and can't believe someone hasn't mentioned yet:
Incredible Hulk
The A-Team
Those were my brothers favorites
Hi everyone! My sister and I loved bandstand when we were growing up. I wonder what era that was?????? My old time favorite was I love Lucy.
I loved "Debbie Does Dallas."
Wait.....what are we talking about??
I think that was a movie "Debbie Does Dallas" wasn't it ha?????????
The A-Team, Punky Brewster, and Just the 10 of us were all great - I had forgotten about those! I also loved watching Scooby-Doo...and no, Jared, I can't think of Gus's best friend's name!
Jared, It doesn't surprise me that you had a crush on Kimberly from Diff'rent Strokes. She grew up to get a methed out crack whore pornstar and then killed herself.
Courtship of Eddie's father was more Early 70's. We just saw the reruns. Great show though.
And Remote COntrol was on MTV not Nick...but the two channels kind of went hand in hand back in the day...
And Saved by the Bell really doesn't get the credit it kind of deserves. Everyone watched it, even though it was the worst acted, corniest show on t.v. Think about it, what other show offers pop culture references such as a "Zack Morris Phone" or sitting in a chair "Slater Style"?
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