I havent written since Saturday, so I thought it was time for a short post.
Unfortunately Thomas P, our beloved cat, is very sick lately, and it is really worrying us--even Callum is upset about it. He hasnt eaten for almost three days, and we basically have to "force feed" him by mixing his stinky wet food with warm water. Another thing he has going on is his seemingly loss of bodily functions--he hasnt "peed" in his litter box for three days. Instead, he goes right beside it, on the floor, as if he is "missing" the box or something. He is basically "dead weight," and whenever you pick him up, he just kind of falls right into you. And wherever you put him down, he just sort of falls asleep there. This morning, upon coming back from my run, he greeted me in the kitchen, which was great because he was showing some life. But when I picked him up, I noticed his hind legs and little butt were all wet; what he had done, essentially, is peed himself as he slept in his room---he didnt even attempt to make it to the litter box.
He has an appointment for tomorrow, but we are trying to get him in to the doctor today, since Amanda is off. I'm trying to be hopeful, but he is an old boy, and I am fearing the worst. This makes for a really difficult time to be at school. That's one of the things about teaching; while you are here, there really isnt any "down time" where you can just relax. When you're dealing with difficult stuff in your own life, teaching is one of the worst jobs to have because at any given time, you have at least 3, 10, or 25 people who "need" you. In addition, you really seem to notice the "spoilage" of this generation and the way they have this sense of entitlement about them. In one particular class for example: Students had to read a story over the weekend, and they had a test on it on Monday. With complete unabashedness, kids explained "I'll need to make this test up, since I didnt do the reading over the weekend." Its like they dont understand that this is a TEST that measures if they did the work when it was assigned---not when its convenient for them to do it. What's even more troubling is how the students were APPALLED that they couldnt make up the test; they couldnt believe they were being held accountable for something. Its really upsetting, because this is the generation that is going to run the next AIGs, etc. By the way, I'd love to ramble about the rejection of the 700 billion dollar bailout, and how the Democrats are being unfairly blamed for it by the Republicans--but then I'd just be inviting spineless morons like Todd, anonymous, and the like to start pissing everyone off again.
So, I'll just end this by saying that I hope my little kitty cat is okay. We've been through a lot together, and its going to be really hard when he has to go.....
Whenever that is.
Nannie says, she is very sad to hear that, Thomas is my favorite cat int he world, however, he is getting old and we don't want him to suffer, even as much as we want somebody there for us we can't see them suffer either, so a hard decision may have to be made.
We are all here for any loe and support you need for Thomas P. Kitty Cat.....
The Chiemiego's are very upset to hear about Thomas P and we will be praying that everything will turn out ok. Hopefully it's something that can be fixed. Thomas is such a GREAT kitty!!! Give him hugs and kisses from us!
that's sad...tell Thomas P. that we are thinking of him....
Maybe Thomas just needs some medicine or a visit with his cousin chelsea? He can have one of her frosty paws if he wants....Poor Thomas Crown.
Oh and Jared...no one has downtime at work but you must have had some if you had time to blog and stalk young children on facebook.....wah wah wah
Jared - we're so sorry to hear about Thomas P, and we're hopeful that all will be okay. Let us know if there is anything you need or anything that we can do...
I have always had cats in my life, living with my parents or now. I have never , never met a cat like Thomas P. He is very unique and unlike any other cat I have met. I really love him. I wish him the best,love.
Sorry, that was me that made the last comment.
Luna wants Thomas to know that she thinks he is the most wonderful and handsome guy in the world. Hugs to you.
Oh no don't say that Thomas P may go. We love him. Give him lots of kisses from Aunt June & Uncle Bob. By the way give that adorable Callum a kiss for us too! Don't worry Thomas you will be ok. You have lots of love around you.
My heart goes out to you and Thomas P. I am a HUGE cat lover (having 3 of my own) and it is so hard when they get sick. I really hope its nothing too serious and Thomas P will be okay. I wonder if it was a urinary tract infection. Sometimes in male cats, they may get a stone or some sort of blockage, which prevents them from "going" and could also make him very weak. In this case, he needs medical attention asap. Hopefully he can see the doctor as soon as possible. I'd just bring him to the emergency room at a vet hospital guys.
I am sory to hear about Thomas. He is a unigue cat. So lovable. I know it is not an easy decision but as I was told we have to think of them and not let them suffer. Sometimes we keep them alive for ourselves which isn't fair to them. our love and prayers are with you and Thomas P.
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