1. I think the blog has been a great way for family and friends to reconnect and stay connected. And I also enjoy reading other people's blogs - Random Digressions, Kranthony, Melathan, Keithonna and Chrishelle :)
2. I enjoy sharing pictures of my family and I enjoy hearing from the different people that comment.
3. I am disgusted with some of the comments that have been made on this blog previously. I have no issue with people disagreeing with each other (on politics, etc...) but when names and derogatory comments start flying, that's when I believe it's gotten out of hand. I can't BELIEVE some of the names and terms that were used in the comments to the previous post that Jared & I decided to delete. I bring this up because I would ask that people please refrain from hurting each other on MY blog.
To that end, Callum is sleeping and I'm going to spend some time with Jared and watch some crap TV. I return to work tomorrow and I am NOT looking forward to it. Thankfully, I am only working 3 days a week for the next 5 weeks and after that I'll be working full time but one day from home. I just feel like I'm going to miss so much with Callum, but I am glad that Grammie is going to be able to take care of him while Jared and I are at work. It makes me feel A LOT better. Next weekend we are going to have a visit from Nannie, Auntie KK and Uncle Twon, and in a few weeks we'll have a visit from Papa and GG! Lots to look forward to...
Hi Panda!
I agree 100% with you in regards to the derogatory statements and name calling. I just like to get on here and see what you guys are up too, and I did enjoy Jared's meanderings (something I'll miss reading at work).
Sorry you have to return to work tomorrow :(
I'll be thinking of you. Emma has her first full day of kindergarten tomorrow. Last week were just 1/2 days. She loves it though and she has a wonderful teacher. I hope you try and have a good day tomorrow. Miss you!!!! and please give that adorable baby a kiss from me, steve cee & little cheese!
Lets leave politics off the blogs due to so many different opinions!
Hi Botts!!!
I am sorry to hear that you have to go back to work tomorrow. I wish we could have gotten together tonight to hang out. I miss seeing the beaner.
Mel and i had a great weekend at the wedding but you already know that because we talked on the phone.
The picnic went well also. Lots and lots of food.
Give me a call tomorrow night and let me know how the day back went..
everything will be fine!!!
Good luck on your first day back to work..... sorry it's come around so soon!
Just think about Mr. Callum waiting for you when you get home.
Jared I hope you don't give up on the blog because of other people. I love to hear from both of you and see pictures of that beautiful baby. those pictures are awesome. Amanda I hope your first day back goes by fast. can't wait for Callum's meet and greet.
Hi Jared and Amanda...
I, too, agree with your feelings about the blog, Amanda. I think it's very sad that it had to come to this - I really enjoyed reading Jared's Meanderings and his observations about the world around us. He always looked at and saw things a bit differently than I did, so it was a lot of fun to read them. Most of all, I like reading about your adventures with Callum - there's something truly special about that. It's unfortunate that some of your readers coudn't share their opinions without hurting or insulting others, and I'm sorry about that. I know it made both you and Jared feel badly about the blog.
I hope you had a good first day back at work - you'll be home soon enough to hold your little boy! I'm sure he can't wait to see you! Hopefully you guys can stop by for a visit sometime...and Chris and I both hope to Jared back on the blog soon.
I agree with everyone else, it was all for fun and updates and interesting stories from a great writer who kept us all entertained, and we hope that he someday returns to the net to keep us up to date. So many of us looked forward to reading that blog everyday
In the meantime we will all depend on Amanda for the information and going on with you all.
Come back Jared we all need you.
Now I get the "thank you and goodnight" post! Sucks that you get such crappy messages. I don't get it... why do folks have to be so hurtful? Saw your mom and dad at B&N the other day... she was excited about the babysitting prospects. Tell Jared that GG isn't such a grump! He even smiled SEVERAL times during the conversation. I bet Jared will be back... after a break. Hope your first day at work wasn't too hard on you! (Lisa)
Hi Amanda, I am glad you are continuing the blog, I really enjoy it. I am hoping after time Jare will continue, he has a way with words and I truly enjoy it. Looking forward to seeing you all in a few weeks.
Hi Amanda;
I'm glad to see the blog continue! I know you will do a wonderful job but I think I'm already suffering from Jared Blog depravation.
Hi Jared;
I wish you would reconsider your decision to stop writing on the blog. I know a lot of us will miss your wit and creativity. I truly think you may do us all (including yourself) a disservice by remaining silent. Please think about it.....
Billy Bob
I hope Jared never returns
Anonymous - Keep your nasty comments to yourself. The rest of us don't care to read them on here.
It sounds like I've missed some drama (which sucks... I love a good scandal!). Truly though, this blog has always made you guys feel a bit closer to Eliot, so I hope you keep it up in some way. Boo to the haters.
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