Part 2 of our Halloween weekend post! In addition to the actual festival of Halloween, we also did a lot of other fun stuff this weekend. We ate lunch at Mainely Brews on Saturday, depleted Hillman's bakery of all their inventory, watched "The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown," and played with Jackson and Callum. I dug out Callum's old jumparoo (I can't believe I am actually calling it "old!" He is growing up so fast!) from the attic above the garage. As you can see, Jackson was very appreciative, and Callum was very curious...being on the other side for once.

Nannie bought Callum and Jackson matching pajamas, especially for this very special photo opportunity (what's that saying about herding cats??) We have two very busy little boys on our hands here.....

Here's our "Halloween headquarters" setup in the breezeway. We were having a fantastic time seeing all the kids in their costumes! But I had an even better time razzing all the 17 year old goth idiots who came just looking for candy. For them, I usually said (much like I did last year) "HEY!!!! HANNAH MONTANA/FERGIE/OBAMA!! I LOVE IT!!" just to see what kind of reaction I would get. If they were a good sport, they got candy. But if they were total morons, I did the following: Over the course of the evening, I was munching on some peanut butter cups, meticulously re-folding the empty packages. If a kid was a total dink, they got an empty wrapper. I even asked one kid why he wasnt at work. I'm cool like that....

Here's 'ampy with Callum. George and Ensign stopped over for some cider, Oktoberfest, photos, and Callum time. Lynne was at home because Glenn Beck told her to stay home, and she takes everything Glenn Beck says as gospel. Just kidding!! Kind of. Lynne is recovering from shingles and couldnt be over yesterday....we hope she feels better, because Callum missed mee-mee.

The second year in a row Callum is blessed enough to have his Halloween costume picture taken with a great-grandfather. Don't think we dont know how lucky we are.

Okay. Off to go watch some football/Netflix. It was a long weekend, topped off by Winslow High's NEASC accreditation visit that started today--I had to go into school for the afternoon, to attend some presentations and be interviewed. It is going to be a long next few days.....
I enjoyed the "be cool, stay in school" comments you kept telling the kids. I also liked all the kids stomping all over you plants. The funniest part of the night was the girl who you said had a nice Hannah Montana costume who freaked and said "it's not Hannah mom..," while twitching while she said this. Nice job scarring her for life.
Could not leave my name for some reason...Twon
Two of the cutiest little pumkins I have ever seen, love them both!!
I liked the " special girl" who was trick or treating alone and scared of everything....
It was a fun weekend!!! Jackson says thanks for the jumper.
Oh, our blog is back even.
So you had Goth kids trick-or-treating in your neighborhood, here in New Jersey we had sluts trick-or-treating in ours.
Seriously I can't believe the mothers let these high school girls out showing their butt checks and thongs! I guess that's why they call them Flo-ho's here in Florence.
belle, you act like that's a bad thing......
note to self: get timmy, john, and jay and go to NJ next Halloween....
HOw cute are they, love seeing the photos of them, can't wait to see them together for Thanksgiving, and then off to the photo shoot for xmas photos.
let the fun begin,
I am very lucky and fortunate to have these little guys to bring a big smile to my face all the time.
They are growing too fast though.
Walking, talking and crawling around..... OH MY STARS!!!
Love to see the pics. Can't wait for the Christmas ones
Oh my goodness, Callum and Jackson are so adorable!!!! and cute and wonderful.....!!! You can tell by the look on their faces that they will have fun and be full of trouble as they get older. I only wish I could have seen them in person and joined in the fun.
Don't need to Ja, just remember for a second where I live.
I thought that you folks were comimg here for thanksgiving as the jersey cousins will be here.
We didn't get together this past summer for our annual reunion,at this rate Callum and Emma will be strangers
Well I guess I know how the New Jerseyians rate, I'm beginning to get a complex Jared. Jeez you didn't want to come down this summer and now you'll be gone for Thanksging. Oh well maybe we'll get to see Callum before he graduates high school :(
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