1. The fitness level of athlete characters in video games is inversely proportional to the fitness level of the people playing these games in the basement.
2. Old people look hilarious doing stuff young people are supposed to do: Guitar Hero, Wii, texting, etc etc. Sometime, if you are bored, google search some images of "Old people playing Guitar Hero." Magic
3. Ironically enough, a milestone IS a roadblock....and vice versa. Ironically enough.
4. I'm really surprised we don't see more eraser filings all over the world.....where do they all go? They can't all go in the trash; constantly, people are using pencils, making mistakes, erasing them, and blowing the little pink shards wherever they please. I know there are brooms, vacuums, etc, but they can't catch all of those eraser shreds, right? Erasers (and mistakes) have been around for hundreds of years....that is a lot of erasers! All I'm saying is that I'm surprised we dont see more of them. That's all
5. This is not my best collection of meanderings, and I fully realize that.
6. What did the engineer who designed erasers use when, in the process of sketching out some eraser model schematics, he made an error and had to start over?
7. 93% of the males from 17-25 are walking around with permasmiles and hand cramps due to the release of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare." This is a video game which, essentially, sensationalizes CURRENT wars we have going on in Iraq, Afghanistan, and anywhere else where there is "city" fighting. That is the first problem; I vehemently believe that what these video game makers are doing is popularizing and, dare I say ROMANTICIZING a war---a war in which American men and women are dying each day. "Wow....you get to snowmobile!!!" I heard one student say. "War is so cool if you get to snowmobile!" This brings me to my second point: I think all these morons who sit at home and play Call of Duty for 6 hours should man up and actually join the Army or Marines. If you love war so much, why not go enlist today; the troops could use some help.
8. There's this "buzz-phrase" that I hear from time to time, and it becomes more pervasive as we enter the stormy winter season. It has to do with driving or travelling, and the phrase involves "getting there in one piece." What's all this talk about getting someplace in "one piece?" Is there some epidemic I'm unaware of where people are losing body parts, etc. as they travel? And I think that, colloquially speaking, arriving someplace in one piece is soooooo desirable; if you arrive "in one piece," then your journey has been successful. This, I think, is a misnomer. You can still be in one piece but be dead. You can still be in one piece but be paralyzed from the forehead down. Also, you can still be in one piece but have the rest of the people in your car become shredded or julienned by a wood chipper. "Getting there in one piece" isnt as glamorous as it sounds.....I'm just saying.
Chris served in the Army for six years, and he just got the new Call of Duty game. Is that okay? ;)
i was kind of referring to the morbidly obese, natural light drinking, gange smoking variety of player......
I play the game but did not serve....thinking about what that makes me.
Jared, you know how much I love your "meanderings" blogs but this time the Callum pictures take the lead! Oh my gosh, if he isn't just the cutest. Such a good personality and he is so funny when he makes those faces. The best thing about it is that he knows that he's being cute and funny!He just makes me laugh and laugh! I can't wwait to see him again!
Callum is such a cutie pie!!!!How come funeral parlors are raising their prices due to the cost of living, when actually you have to die to require their service,just saying.
not gonna lie, 3rd picture, little disturbing...
Shame on you, Auntie KK....
Good thing we got photos of Callum, he's too funny, somebody sure looks like they are a little "DEVIL".....
Meanderings, Shamanderings,,,,,
I like the photos of my boys so much better.
See you next week Callum Man.....
Go fly a kite MS.Annonymous. We all know who you are!
Callum knows his auntie loves him.
Love the Callum pics
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