Well, we all have a little more to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving holiday, as little Jackson is now okay! Our day started off with a scare:

Jackson broke out into some type of allergic reaction to something yesterday....his body was virtually covered in welts and spots, he was convulsing, and he was having trouble breathing. Anthony called the doctor, and the recommendation was to get the little guy to the hospital ASAP. So, we had a visit from Ledyard's finest yesterday (too bad you dont live in Ledyard, Kemish!). They were at the hospital for a while, but now all is fine. They still havent figured out what caused the reaction, but after some steroids and Benadryl, he is fine (and Jackson is fine too...haha).
Cousin Mike, Brian, Dan, and I took hold of the "fort" and took care of the THREE (yes three) turkeys that were being fried in honor of the feast. This meant that we stood out in the garage, drank beer, talked about leaving to go to Foxwoods down the street, and occasionally looked at the deep fryer...haha
Callum was all decked out in his Packer's Pride yesterday, and he watched as they smoked the Detroit Lions. GO PACK! Sorry I cut out your beautiful eyes, Amanda....

There are two things I love about Thanksgiving down in CT (well, there are a lot, but I love two things in particular). First, both of my parents are together in one place, so they can nag me double as much....and second, I get to see all my cousins and family who I never get to see as much as I would like! I had a wonderful childhood, and I have wonderful memories of playing with cousins Lauren, Brian, Alley-cat, Mike, and more around the holidays. Yesterday was an opportunity to "resurrect" that...even if only for a bit. I really wish I could see them more, and I am hopeful about a summer visit to Maine this year! Here's the first table (not everyone was at the tables, but you get the picture....) From front to back, starting on the left, we have cousin Mike, cousin Leah's son Zach, cousin Leah, Aunt Patty, Leah's daughter Maddie, and cousin Allyson. Callum LOVED his cousin Alley yesterday!

Here's the dining room crowd. From L to R we have cousin Lauren, Brian's girlfriend Jess, my cousin Brian, Anthony's cousin's husband Skiddey, Anthony's cousin Darryl (and her baby who is still inside!), and my beautiful wife Sally.

We ate fantastic food (as usual), drank great beer and cider, watched football, played Wii, and watched Callum and Jackson romp around the house. Here are Nannie, Callum, and Jackson enjoying a snack.

More to come soon. Hope everyone had a great day!!!
we will never forget Jackson's first turkey day..sorry we missed dinner everyone, but im glad my little booger boy is ok, that was a scary thing for parents to go through
oh, so right now amanda and anthony are playing Wii, and Jared is talking to himself with his mac...
we are enjoying a moment of quiet until callum wakes and starts his chant of " mama, dada, elmo, fish, ernie, up, down,auntie, meow, baby etc etc
Yes Thank Goodness that everything is ok with Action Jackson, never a dull moment is there.
I loved being with the family for turkey day, and look forward to the xmas party in a few weeks.
Callum is a funny little kid, a LOUD TALKATIVE funny little kid, gee I wonder where he gets that from, like Auntie Patty said the only thing different between him and his dad was that he wasn't standing there rocking back and forth and telling jokes yet.....
Oh and for the record, my lovely blue shirt, was a borrowed one from Twon, I had it on to help with the cleanup of the turkey dinner, I usually don't go to holiday party's in a blue BVD T-Shirt.
Oh HI, Nannie here, new computer, so just learning how to get this thing going, so as you see i have my comments 2 x's...
It looks like you guys had fun, minus the scare with Jackson...I'm so glad he's okay! Hope you enjoyed the holiday time with your families...and hope to see you when you get back!
We had a great time, thank God Jackson is ok. As usual Anthony and Kristib had enough food to feed the whole town of Leyard. Just for the record Bob, JoAnn and I were there, Jared doesn't like us.
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