Amanda, Callum, and I were all home today (Wednesday is one of Amanda's usual days off, Callum isnt old enough for the Naval Academy yet, and I had a school holiday). We just enjoyed a lazy day of hanging around, snacking, playing, and enjoying the unseasonably warm weather....the Goldsmiths do NOT like this weather in November...we are winter people.
We took a walk to the library, and after I slapped myself in the head for forgetting that the library is not open on Veteran's day, we went across the street to the park. Fairfield, being a very old Maine town, is quite interesting in its layout. There is "Fairfield Center," which everyone thinks is a downtown kind of place...but it is not. Rather, Fairfield Center is literally the "center" point of the town, and it is mostly woods, farms, and fields. We live close by to "the village" of Fairfield, and the library, the old high school, and some old captain's houses make up an interesting "quad." The park is really nice, and Amanda and I took turns throwing leaves at Callum.

This is funny: Callum LOVES looking at magazines (Bicycling Magazine, and toy catalogs are his favorites), and he would not get in his stroller without the latest "Target" catalog. He loves pointing out the bikes, babies, horses, and farm toys. And he likes pointing out the trucks.

Before we left to go on our walk, we worked outside, tying up some loose ends as far as the yard goes. Brittany and Brianna from next door came over and were playing with Callum outside, and Amanda and I got to work. Below, Amanda cleans up the dead stalks from some of her flower beds. I spent my time burning said stalks, moving firewood into the garage, and "tarping" NEXT year's wood, which I split this fall.

Have I mentioned how much Mister Callum LOVES whales, and basically anything to do with the ocean? Whenever he sees a computer of any kind, he immediately points to it and says "whale" or "Elmo," since we watch videos of both of these on the internet. Since I was on the computer already just as he was about to eat lunch, we let him watch some whale videos while he ate his grilled cheese. Watching TV while we eat goes against our DEEPEST principles......but rules are made to be broken, right? haha.....

Question: The Goldsmiths need a new computer. Should we get a mac (of our own, as I am using my school computer) or stay with a PC? Uncle Bob, do you still read this blog? If so, I would appreciate your insight, as I know you are a Mac person. Why should we switch?
My IT guy at work say's MAC's are the best and the only way to go. He say's PC's stand for "Piece of Crap".
If you look under Callum's crib you might find some playboy magazines.
Are you gonna have 2 computers so Amanda can do farmville at the same time you blog?
Are you gonna have 2 computers so Amanda can do farmville at the same time you blog?
Mac is the way to go!
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