I had one pair of these silly Z Cavaricci jeans....I remember when I got them too; my mom got them for me at Filene's Basement in Downtown Crossing. What silly pants these were, known for their high waistband and "double" buttons.....if you wear them, you had better be an Italian Soccer player, otherwise you will look silly. Also, they were tremendously overpriced.....

I won't even go into the whole Reebok Pump silliness, but there were also so many more trendy shoes: Old school Converse (not All Stars, not "one stars"....just regular CONS), Reebok Hexalite, Roos, LA Gear (remember those "Michael Jacksonish" shoes they made? They were black and they had like chains and big zippers on them?), Etnies, Vision Street Wear, Simples (wearing them today), Tretons and Keds (for girls), and Ryka Nitrogen. Today's version of all these silly shoes would be "Keens." When those things go out of style in a year or two, they are going to go out of style HARD.
If you wore one of these shirts:
Chances were very good that your parents made a ton of money AND didnt really care about you, so they bought you stupid clothes to make you happy. Sorry. It just seemed like when I was in school, the only kids who wore these Vuarnet shirts (and many probably dont even know this is a SUNGLASSES company) were the spoiled rich kids. And Jay Ponticelli. If you had more than three of these shirts, it directly followed that you golfed at the age of 11, AND you spent most of your summer in Hyannis....

These guys were a pretty interesting store
Remember Benetton? They were pretty progressive as far as clothing stores go, and they were WAY ahead of their time! They were the first modern-liberal-"global awareness"-anti racism clothing store.....now the world is full of stores like this. Benetton really brought these issues to the forefront....even in the late 80's when it WASNT trendy to be global, green, and politically conscious. They ran some pretty controversial ads--one of them was the topless torso of a black woman breastfeeding a white baby (and you could see nudity), and another image they used to have on their bags was that of the Buddhist monks who set themselves on fire to protest the Chinese occupation of Tibet. Oh, and Benetton sold clothes too.

Remember Benetton? They were pretty progressive as far as clothing stores go, and they were WAY ahead of their time! They were the first modern-liberal-"global awareness"-anti racism clothing store.....now the world is full of stores like this. Benetton really brought these issues to the forefront....even in the late 80's when it WASNT trendy to be global, green, and politically conscious. They ran some pretty controversial ads--one of them was the topless torso of a black woman breastfeeding a white baby (and you could see nudity), and another image they used to have on their bags was that of the Buddhist monks who set themselves on fire to protest the Chinese occupation of Tibet. Oh, and Benetton sold clothes too.
And now, a random Goldsmithish list of crap I remember from when I used to be cool.
GOTCHA clothing (had that whole paintball gun thing going)
TANK TOP FLANNELS usually with hoods too. Popularized by Joey on "Blossom." Whoaa!!
HYPERCOLOR turns colors when you sweat. Mine would be the brightest freakin' red ever.
PANAMA JACK who was another sunglass company who sold shirts
COED NAKED frisbee, golf, football, cheering, underwater basket weaving, edible luggage making, etc.....
BIG JOHNSON who tried to ride the Coed Naked wave. They were silly
SUPPORT OUR TROOPS which is something I put on because, during Operation Desert Shield (and then STORM), these sweatshirts really were something like a fashion statement. My mom got me one off the Home Shopping Network
I would rather see photos of Callum in his fashion attire.
I do remember the Support our Troops shirs but not from HSN, are you sure that wasn't Lynn buying it for Panda instead. :)
why don't you post your photo of you inyour striped polo shirt with your gray colored sweatpants/high waist pants with your red suspenders on the blog, now there was a fashion statement!!!!!!!!!!
oh hi nannie!! Yes, there will be more CS pics forthcoming. We left our camera at Mee Mee and 'Ampy's house.
rember those 100 % portugese princess, irish, italian etc shirts.
Remember when I used to take you to Bob's Store to buy you new sneakers? Talk about stress, you could never make up your mind.
I was only stressed because you made me so nervous because I knew the buffet closed in 25 minutes.....HAHAHA
Dare I go there: of course you remember rolling the pant legs (a.k.a. peg leg), wearing 3 different color "slouch socks" and tying the tshirts in a knot on one side?
Oh dear! Thanks for the trip down memory lane, I think I'm scarred for life!
What about B.U.M. equipment or the black Addias indoor soccer shoes. Also, Starter jackets, which I got 10 years after they were in style and my mom got my a Raiders which is was the school gang member wore. Red CVS vests were also hot with your flare and tight black jeans.
Umbro shorts were a huge thing at my school. In gym, if you didn't have umbros, you got picked last for teams. It was annoying... I hated gym for that reason.
How could you forget Champion sweatshirts?
Did Rochelle's have a giant tree and robotic animals? My husband and I (mid 20's) remember a kids' clothing store with a giant artificial tree and robotic animals from when we were about 5, but no one in our families knows what we're talking about and we never knew each other when we were children. We think it was called "Rochelle's" and I swear my mom worked there. We've been trying to solve this mystery for about a year!
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