Friday, February 25, 2011

Snowstorm #34

Not that I'm complaining or anything....I love it. We are supposed to get 10-14 inches with this storm. The wind is really picking up right now....and it is still snowing pretty hard at 745 (the current tiempo). I love the snow...dont get me wrong....but, alas, this storm has foiled my dad and sister's fifth attempt at coming up to meet their new granddaughter and niece, respectively. It is frustrating all around.

Another thing that has me (okay...I will admit it) longing for spring just a LITTLE is the fact that Callum has taken two bike rides in the past two days....I have not gotten on mine...I just follow him around as he rides. Yesterday, when Dave and Muriel were over, we all took a walk/ride around the neighborhood. And this morning, at 730, knowing full well we would be INSIDE all day due to the storm, I took Callum outside and had him ride, run, climb, and do whatever he could to burn some energy. So I'm looking forward to running NOT on ice, riding on smooth roads (cuz there are lots of those in Maine....), paddling swift rivers, and reeling in countless fish with Callum Stus.

Here is a new series I have started reading--imbued by THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS, which I just finished. So....I am kind of on an "animal" kick. When you get past the idea that you are reading about mice who fight with swords and stuff, it is actually a great story with great writing.

And here is "Callum's Catch"--two yellow perch and four pickerel that we brought home the other day. Currently, the are cleaned and packed in the freezer, along with the smelts from the other night. The smelts I am going to smoke in the Weber....but I think, upon the recommendation of Dr. Art Carrano, I will use the fish pictured below to make a stock/chowder item.

1 comment:

ORTIZ said...