Friday, March 16, 2012

The Winter Beard......

well, it wasnt really much of a winter, was it? PATHETIC. But, since I spend so much time outside in the winter--wood, running, etc--I usually grow a beard. I do this for three reasons: a) something to do b) I HATE shaving and I am lazy c) it keeps me warm when I am outside. Despite what people will say, this WAS a cold winter. And if you didnt think so, then you didnt spend a lot of time outside. But here is the beard. It was getting a bit redonkulous, and people were, quite honestly, starting to get rude about it. In fact, one lady at church told me straight up that I looked "ridiculous" and "disgusting," to name a few descriptors. Very nice thing to say to someone at church, huh? But, anyway, I decided to do this:
Shave it off. When I did, Callum told me I looked scary and that I should get a new beard real quick. My students told me I look twelve. And Maira kept shooting funny glances at me. I guess I really didnt realize how much different (and younger) the beard makes me look. But look at Maira....isnt she a beautiful little girl? We are just blessed with two children who have REMARKABLE personalities. Maira's favorite words of late are APP-ULL (apple) and MOOB ( in her favorite book GOOD NIGHT MOON) She also loves giving kisses, as Papa can attest to from skyping with her, saying BYE MAIRA and then having Maira pucker up and lean in towards the computer....
The Goldsmiths all love to read, which is why the only (and ONLY) reason I miss cable is for the Bruins. Everything else on TV is crap--Ice-road-hoarder-shore-storage, for example. We love to read, and we hope the kids really do too. I think Callum is a shoe in to be a big reader. He can sit and look at books for a while, and he is VERY focused when we read. Maira is **starting** to come around. She will sit for minutes (MINUTES is a big deal for her!) on end and look through her SPOT books and stuff....but she isnt like her brother in that she doesnt enjoy sitting on laps for twenty minutes digesting a good story.
She likes to read books on her terms. She is a VERRRRRRY busy young lady. She is, quite honestly, exhausting. She never ever sits still. Even I sit still SOMETIMES.
Tonight, as I write this, Sally is out with her girlfriends from church at Craparitas. The NJ people would get a huge kick out that if they ever read the blog and didnt spend their time going to big- fat- bully- dont -confuse -me- with- the- facts Chris Christy rallies or whatever they do. But while Maira went to sleep, Callum and I got to hang out for a bit and work on letters and numbers....when WHAT TO MY WANDERING EYES SHOULD APPEAR but Dana from next door bringing:
He had asked to borrow our pot/steamer because I knew he was making some steamers. I guess he bought forty (yes, FORTY) pounds of clams. He brought over a little sample for us....they were OTHERWORLDLY. #whereisjaywhenyouneedhim Callum, even though he won't eat chicken tenders from Red Barn, WILL go ga-ga over clams and mussels, and he was THRILLED to have a big bucket of clams. In fact, he is sleeping upstairs with one of the shells right now (I washed it off...dont worry....but he REALLY wanted to sleep with one of his clams, he said).


Sally Piles said...

Great blog, smalls! I can't decide whether I like the beard better or no-beard. I like both!
The other 'first' that Maira had this week: recognizing someone in a picture. She looked at our pictures on the refrigerator, pointed and said, "Mee Mee!". And she was correct!
Also, Callum is hilarious with his clams... I wonder if he ate the 'humongous' ones...

Michelle Hein said...

I like the beard. Very Paul Bunyan.

MeeMee said...

Great blog! Well, actually they all are, but I don't always respond as you know. 1. I like you with or without the beard. I imagine it would get kind of itchy and annoying in the heat of the summer. 2. The kids as usual are adorable and I love that they like books. Maira and I must have read the Good Night Moon and the kitten book at least 50 times. Callum is getting quite good at sounding out words! Hope you did well in your race!

Siena said...

Well, we know someone definitely did NOT like the beard (or my Minnie "tattoo" for that matter), but I think you look great no matter what! And, yes, I can't believe how much Maira is starting to talk. I loved hanging out with her, and all of you today - it was a fun day! And great job at the race!!

Nannie said...

How come when church doesn't like the beard you shave it off. But every year I say it you don't Never did like that beard. You look much better without it.