Tuesday, November 11, 2014

I forgot to post this yesterday....this is Maira's Christmas list, and, more importantly, it is one of the first things she has ever written. Can you tell what it is? Do you know what she is asking for? She is writing to Santa that she wants a "TOY FLYING UNICORN." Do you see it now? We thought this was so cute....

The garage is looking a little different these days; the garage goes through the same types of seasonal changes--if not more--than any other part of our house. On one side of the garage, there is not an empty space as the snowmobile has been put out on the lawn in preparation for it to be out in the snow...it is a huge pain to get it in and out of the garage, so I just keep it covered, outside, for the season. And on the other side, there is about a cord of wood so getting fuel is just that much easier. I like to make it so no one has to go outside to get wood. And by 'no one,' I mean ME. And, of course, we keep our apples out there in the cold in preparation for sauce....

I had to put a photo from our early November Nor'Easter.. It was a wonderful snow event, and it just further confirms the whole global warming theory....we ended up getting about half a foot by the time all was said and done, although it was all very wet and slushy and heavy. But very snowblowerable....

Ya know what I dislike so much about these liberal climate change prognosticators? 99% of their whole platform/arguing/reason for existence is calling on everyone to 'embrace' change and 'welcome' diversity and 'adapt' with the time times when it comes to moral and societal issues. So why, then, dont they just do the same for climate change? Why dont they just relax and embrace all the change and diversity it is bringing to the world. Like I have said so many times before, to heck with Polar Bears. What have they ever done for you? They'd kill you if they had the chance. So get over yourself. You cant save everything. There is a reason why some species die out. We no longer have sabre tooth tigers and mastadons #fortim. Should we? Would you like those too? Get over it. The climate is changing and you have nothing to do with it. So, like you want us all to do for everything else, 'welcome' it.  Go do a crossword puzzle.

And isn't this cute? Friendssssssssssszzzz. Maira and BabyAnnabella and "Yupes" all hanging out by a fire during a NOvember noreaster....

And last week was election day and I took my public speaking class (and my friend Mike took his government class) to the polls to either vote or 'observe' the democratic process. We took a bus over to the VFW, where they vote in Winslow, and then went back and watched the news coverage of all the voting. Very neat hour or so...

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