Monday, November 3, 2014

Last week or so, Amanda and the kids wanted to get out on a nice fall day and check out some hiking trails somewhere--our goal was to head over to the arboretum at Colby College, and send the kids on a scavenger hunt of leaves, barks, etc...but, as we drove by the Quarry Road Rec Area, we saw a sign advertising dogsled (on wheels) races. Why not? So we took a detour and went to check out some pretty neat stuff involving, as you could guess, dogs pulling sleds, bikes, and more. Callum and I broke away from mommy and Maira for a bit, as he wanted to see some of the trail-run course from this past summer. The picture below puts 'some' of the hills and inclines in perspective; if you blow up the picture, you can see the elevation we already have, and we arent even close to the top of the hill we ran up during the infamous 8K. Furthermore, you can make up the 'switchback nature' of the trail's topography. I had Callum do his own little scavenger hunt, looking for tree ID, and more. Good times. 

Dearshorn Farms apple picking in Maynard (or was it Clinton ??) Mass....circa, well, I guess I look ten or so, right? I've gotta get another denim jacket. My goodness I love apple picking. I love apples, apple cider, applesauce....and Amanda and I trying our hand at making apple cider vinegar....more to come on that later....

Maira is in her tenth week of dance lessons...she hasnt missed one class yet, and she still absolutely loves it! Although, I should point out, she does NOT want to be in any recital. She says she is too shy and afraid to be by herself on stage. But, at any rate, she is learning all the different 'positions' and she has all but perfected her routine of HOW MUCH IS THAT DOGGY IN THE WINDOW. She loves each and every Monday. But I really chose to post this picture because, if nothing else, this is Maira making an ABSOLUTE Amanda-face. Can anyone else see it? Amanda still makes this face. In fact, she is probably making it right now....

Homecoming! Last week Amanda left for a business trip to Chicago; she left early Sunday afternoon, and returned home Wednesday night. It was tough without her around, although meemee and grampy helped out big time with getting the kids to school and on the bus and to daycare, THANK YOU. But on Wednesday, when Amanda walked through the door, the kids were resplendent with joy and it was just beautiful to watch.

And, she brought us back all matching Bears shirts!!!

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