I've been VERY into kid's books lately. Mostly, this is because children's books are the only things written at my level of comprehension. But, also, Callum Stuart has quite the collection, and we just love reading to him. Although, I have to say, reading to him lately isnt really that fun (can I say that??) because all he wants to do is reach out, grab the book, and put it in his mouth. I guess kids books have just been on my mind lately: A student had a few in class today, as she was going to read them to the elementary students with whom she works after school, we're fresh off our visit to pajamarama story time, and I got notice of the annual young adult literature conference I usually attend in April (its my favorite conference!).
What were your favorite children's books from when YOU were little? It seems like everyone has their all time classics. I thought I would list mine. But before I begin, I think its appropriate to take note of and honor perhaps the greatest American writer of all time--John Updike--who died today. He was in my top three favorite authors, and he could do things with semicolons and sentence structure that would make your hair curl; he was a true artist.
In no particular order, here are my top ten:
1. Charlotte's Web-for some reason I remember reading this when Nana Courtney came to stay with us because my mom was getting surgery for some reason. I love this book.
2. Frankie the Fireman-I loved the pictures of the Dalmatians and the fire engines....and, as I remember, there was a record that accompanied the book. It had a catchy song
3. Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing-More like YA lit, but its all good. Before we had JK Rowling, we had Judy Blume. Mrs Spagna, my second grade teacher, read this book aloud to us, and I remember laughing out loud
4. I'm a Big Boy Now-I still have my original copy, duct-taped in certain places. I love the pictures of the elephants learning to use the toilet, and I am sure it will eventually imbue me to follow suit and become potty trained as well!
5. The Apple Hat Guy-This isnt the title....the problem: is that I dont remember the title. All I remember is that my sister and I loved this book, and my dad used to keep it as his house, in a box under his bed. There was a guy wearing a suit and a bowler hat, and he had a big red apple on his head. Or something. Does anyone know what I am talking about?
6. Little Toot-I loved the pictures in this classic kid's book, and I think it was even the precursor to the Thomas the Train books. Its funny how its the small details you remember from your childhood, and I firmly believe that the reason I loved this book so much is because I liked the way the steam looked coming out of the tugboat's smokestack. Seriously. That's the reason!
7. An Axis of Apathy: An exploration into the existentialistic foreign policy ideals of our forefathers (unabridged)-I liked the pictures of the monkeys
8. Grover and the Everything-in-the-whole-wide-world museum-Is that the title? Anyway, you had Grover, and he was taking you on a tour of the museum that had...well...everything in the world! I remember being in awe of how cool a museum like that would actually BE!
9. The Indian in the Cupboard-My mom bought this book for me, because she heard such good things about it from other moms. When she gave it to me, I had never even heard of it. I dont really remember liking the book all that much, but I LOVED the cover....and, moreover, I just think its so great to get a surprise book from someone, because it really tells you they were thinking of you. Picking out a book for someone takes a lot of thought, actually.
10. Just me and my ______-Dad, grandpa, sister, neo-nazi au pair, you name it! I loved these books, and I used to eat them up at all the bookfairs we had at school. The protagonist could have been a groundhog.....or a deformed squirrel....or an obese hamster. But he was wicked cute, and he enjoyed spending time with people he loved.
So what are your favorites????
Young adult books I liked:
Nancy Drew
The Saddle Club
The Mandie books
There was this children's book that I loved but I can't remember what it was called. All I know is that it was about these different farmers and they were all different colors: farmer grey, farmer black, farmer yellow, etc... and everything they had (cows, barns etc.) were also the same color. I can't even remember the story behind the book, but I loved it.
They call him Funny Franky Fireman all Over the Town.
And laugh, ho ho hee hee ha ha when he comes around!!!!!
I remember that record and book.
I have to say both my kids always seemed to have a book in hand at all times.
Was the name of that book, who stole the apple? I like the story of the chicken who planted the wheat and then wanted everyone to help, what was the name of that one?
That was the 'Little Red Hen' I think... She planted the wheat and wanted everyone to help but nobody helped her. Then when the wheat was ready everyone wanted to eat it, but she didn't let them because they didn't help. Or something like that...
dad, i thikn the chicken book was just called "the little red hen." callum has that and loves to put it in his mouth. you probably like the story because he grew the wheat himself, thus got a good deal on the bread--he didnt pay full price. there's a little "papa goldsmith" in you for sure....
yes, kristin and i always had a book in hand, although, for kristin, between the ages of 12-16, it involved a book with a title such as "tears for tommy" or "who can i tell?" or "my boyfriend touched me in an inappropriate place: what should i do?" or "the forgotten tear." these books usually had a picutre of a girl in a red sweater, sitting in an apple orchard, looking at the ground, with her arms crossed. She also read them in her room with her door closed.
Jared why are you so fresh to me? You make me sound like such a loser, I was wicked cool.
Jared read a lot of inappopriate books if I remeber, he got suspsended for bringing them to school.
Its Who Stole the Apple by the way.
I also like the bernstein bears series and a book DH had with care bears jumping into a big pink pie.
Anthony has the sesame street library from his childhood.
OH MY STARS, not nice remarks from Jared, some times your humor really isn't funny..... oh well.
My kids aleways read good books.
Jared had quite an imagination when he read his books, (he still has that imagination),,,, he use to dress up himself and his sister as the characters in the books, like Frankie Fireman, he would put on his cousins big black boots, and then his firemans hat and old raincoat (slicker) and then use the jumpropes for a fire hoze and use the ends as the nozzles.
Again, he sill has a big immagination or should I say Halucinations (spelling is most likely wrong, that should be corrected on someones next response I am sure)!!!!
oh one day i had to dress up as my favorite book character, i dressed up as FUDGE and mom made freckles all over my face and i taped hershey bars all over my clothes, remeber??? And we went to the mall and had a tshirt made up for the occasion.
I loved all the Little Critter books but my all time favorite children's book is "The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear" I absolutely love it. It's pretty simple but I like the pictures! I also used to read the Boxcar Children Series. Another one of my favorites was "The Jolly Postman: or Other People's Letters" It was very cool because the book had characters from other stories like Goldilocks and The Three Bears or Cinderella and there were actual letters you could read. I'll have to find it at my parents house and show you guys next time I see you, it's the best. Ok, that's all....I think this is the longest comment I've ever left on your blog!
jeezum...just joking mom and kris....i am wicked funny and my humor is always good......
kris, was the day you dressed like fudge the same week that you got your picture taken on the back of the garbage truck for the family reunion. nice belt pack and spandex shorts!
mom: what hallucinations are you talking about?
"Boxcar Children" is good.
Not to mention "That's Not Fluffernutter!!!!!" is a great read.
The King James Bible
My favorite when I was little was Pickle Things by Marc Brown. My modern favs are Leonardo, the Terrible Monster by Mo Willems and The Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen. Sally, I'll find the title of that farmer book.
Jared and Amanda - take a look at our blog. I've snapped a picture of Little Toot, the original copy of the book that Mom got us in 1982!
My Favorite books as a child were:
The Night Before Christmas by Clement C. Moore illustrated by Douglas Gorsline.
Illustrations Copyright 1975 by Random House Books Inc. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published in the United States by Random House, Inc. New York and simultaneously in Canada by Random House of Canada Limited, Toronto. ISBN:0-394-83019-9. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 75-7511. Manufactured in the United States of America. 23 24 25 26 27 28
I also liked Little Toot and The Little Engine That Could.
I agree Billy Bob
I also like
Kittens are like that
Busy Day, Busy People
I can count to ten....can you?
ALthough, there are some pretty gratuitous scenes in that book. Not really appropriate!
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