Sunday, April 12, 2009

Back from Ledyard....

A good visit down south to the Favry's house to meet their latest addition Jackson. We drove down Thursday night, arriving in CT at around 10:30 or so. Callum was actually pretty good, and went right to sleep when we did. I dont know about Jackson though....haha

On Saturday at around noon, Nannie drove down to visit her TWO!! grandsons. Here is the first of what I know will be many pictures of Nannie with her "boys."

What a proud Nannie.
And I was a proud uncle, getting my fill of Jackson as well. It is so weird to hold a newborn baby again, and it brings back such a slew of memories....mostly beautiful memories...hehe. Its also amazing to think about how far Amanda and I have come as parents since bringing our little guy home from the hospital just about 10 months ago...I can't believe it! Here I am with Callum and Jackson. I could not IMAGINE having twins.....
I even got to change two of Jackson's poopy diapers, which was a very special treat, as now Callum eats all solid foods and his bowel movements are....well....different. Okay. Enough about that.
Looking at this picture is like looking at a flashback of 10 months ago. Jackson is so tiny....even though he weighs more than Callum did at his "age." Hmm....maybe Amanda and I should have another one....Sure. As soon as we move. Amanda knows the deal.....

We managed to squeeze in some fun "activities" during our visit. On Friday afternoon, we took the boys to the mall to get their picture taken with the Easter Bunny. What a freakin' sham that was! First of all, it was like 23 bucks to get the picture, and the Easter Bunny looked like something out of Spring Street in Brockton. Only Timmy das Grick will understand this reference. For sho'! Anyway, a very creepy and evil looking bunny. After the mall, we picked up Valentino's, which may be the best pizza in all creation. Anthony and I also patronized the new "packy," Sonny's. I tried a new beer in Otter Creek's "Copper Ale." Not bad. They were actually giving out SAMPLES at the liquor store....this stuff called "Baron Jaeger," which is like Jaegermesiter (sp??) only with honey in it. Oh, and then there was this:

Yes....tweedle dee and tweedle dum spent the majority of the weekend playing Mariokart on Ninetendo Wii. Let this picture serve as "exhibit A" for the next time I hear how I am always "on the internet" or "on facebook" or whatever else....haha. And, I am actually going ON RECORD here: I actually enjoyed a few Wii games myself. I can't believe I am saying this!!!
This picture needs a caption:

"Come on Jackson, let's play!!!"
"Come on cuz....Nannie is here...let's hide!!!"
"Hey, my mommy and your daddy are off Wii for the first time today...let's go tear it up in Gears of War!"
"Are you going to eat that little puff on your chest?"
And such and such.....


Nannie said...

It was wonderful to be with my two little guys for the first time. I hope i get a zillion more photos with them, Callum is such a busy little guy he didn't want to sit with nannie too long for the photo.

I love the photo of Callum touching Jackson, it is so weird, because I still have the photo which is one of my all time favorites, of Jared standing over Kristin while she was a few weeks old, touching her and leaning in to give her a kiss on her head, its funny and wonderful to see history repeat itself like that.

I think that when Jackson gets a little bigger, Nannie is definetly in for a workout with these two, 10 months old and 10 days old and they are extremely busy little guys, Jackson loves to move around while your holding him, and Callum just moves moves moves....

Nannie actually gave Callum his first "PEEP" it was a purple one, and he got a few tastes of wonderful SUGAR and some purple lips.

Who could ask for anything more than this, except, maybe,,,,,

CC said...

Love the picture of Callum over Jackson. Way to cute. Callum looks like suck=h a little man next to Jackson. Great pickture Nannie

JACKSON said...

I liked meeting my cousin and auntie and uncle. Thanks for visiting

Mario Ponticelli said...

I will friggin smoke Twon on Mario Kart!! We can do this online, beatch!