Friday, November 9, 2007

Comp Day Ramblings

Two posts in one day!!!

I had today off, as it is a comp day for the teachers of the high school. Next week, we have parent teacher conferences from 4-730 after school on Tuesday and Wednesday, so they gave us today off. Cool. I began the day by watching "Today" with Matt Lauer. I got into the show because Campbell Brown is hot, but she's not on the program anymore. Here are the three stories they covered in the NATIONAL HEADLINES!!!!!

1. Pakistan is being blown up, and a civil war is all but ensuing

2. OJ Simpson is in court again on armed robbery charges.

3. Jesse Jackson (my number 2 least favorite person in America after Bush) is 66 years old or something. Michael Jackson (no relation . . .I think) was there at the party, and NBC showed 5 seconds worth of coverage of the king of pop "conducting" people in the singing of "Happy Birthday."

Is this really all that is happening in the world? The Pakistan story is legitimate, but is there really nothing else besides OJ and Jesse Jackson? I'm surprised Lindsey Lohan didnt take a dump or something--that would have been pretty newsworthy too, I guess.


I cleaned out the wood stove for the first time of the season. What a pain that is. All that ash gets all over the house. Speaking of which--do you know how to kill an elephant?? Its easy. First, you dig a huge hole that is big enough to hold an elephant. Then you fill that hole with wood ash. THEN, you line the perimeter of the hole with peanuts. Get it???

When the elephant goes over to take a peanut, you kick him in the ashhole!!!! WAH WAH WAH


I went to the chiro today to have him fix my ankle. It worked. Seriously. He got it to "release," which means pop, and things are aligned nicely now. It still hurts though, so I went into the pool for further therapy. I love swimming at the Holiday Inn Fitness Center because I love flirting with the voluptuous octogenarians


Thomas is back to sleeping in the cat bed his Nannie got him 3 years ago. When he was sick--before he started his great medication--he used to throw up a lot, and one day he threw up all over his bed. He ignored his cat bed for probably 2 years, but today he decided to start sleeping in it again. How cute!


I shaved my beard off. Usually I grow it in the winter, but I'm just not feeling it this year. What do you think? Not that I give a crap or anything . . . .


I wrote two new songs today, which is always a rush. Its an amazing blessing to be able to compose one song in a week . . .but two in one day??!!??? I am trying to create some new material because I have a big show coming up on November 30. I'll be playing at the Winslow Junior High Auditorium as a fund raiser for the senior class. Anyone and everyone is invited--you should come up and see my show. It is on a Friday. You can sleep over at Jarey's place. You'll be guaranteed your own bathroom, a warm woodstove fire, and even Belgium Waffles courtesy of Amanda when you wake up on Saturday. Kranthony is coming, right??


Dont forget to read my previous post and check out my letter to the editor!


Anonymous said...

A. the last picutre of you is incredibly creepy, you look like a child molester

b. I have a meeting till 730 on tuesday and I don't get any comp days, what's up with that. you should get a second job with all your free time.

c.thomas is such a cute little pumpkin butt

Belle said...

I have to agree with Kristin's first comment.

Not that you care but me and Emma like you without the beard if our opinion counts for anything.

Is Thomas ready for the Zoo's arrival next weekend?

Zingo has been packed and is ready!

Anonymous said...

well chelsea's mom, i also don't get "flex time," the opportunity to "work from home," or the option of working 4-ten hour days so i get every friday off.I dont get to go out and order 200 dollar bottles of wine for dinner. also, i dont get a free vacation when i've worked at WHS for 10 years or whatever it is, and the only "Christmas Bonus" I get is Bonny Houston's rum cake that she brings in the day before vacation (it has real rum in it!!!!)

So i guess my comp day evens things out . . . .but i got to spend the whole day with pumpkin-buns!!!

Anonymous said...

CHa Cha says, she loves your face wihtout the beard!!!!!!! And Thomas P. does look really cute in his little bed, he should really come and live with his Nannie.......

Anonymous said...

are teachers supposed to put naked pictures of themselves on the internet? hm?

Anonymous said...

You forgot to shave your shoulders, fatass.

Anonymous said...

QUESTION POSED: shave or no shave ... just like our status with iraq. if we stay = FUBAR. if we leave = FUBAR. NO good options. at least there is a choice.

hope we have enough wood this winter.