Sunday, March 22, 2009

Grandparent's Weekend

Callum says: "It's spring! Time to put your winter hats away!!!"
Callum and Papa, taking a break from playing......

"Turkey and apples with my my new high chair!"

I took a personal day on Friday, since Callum had his NINE MONTH doctor's appointment with Dr Murray-James. I dont know if you can believe this, but a boy who "I" fathered is "below average" as far as his height and weight go!!! He was hovering around 50% at his six month appointment, but he has since fallen behind a little. Clearly, daddy needs to take him to Big G's more. He had a great appointment (and he was happy he didnt have to get shots!). After the doctor's we headed down to Mass for a little grandparent visit.
Even though I got pulled over in Wells and was given a 185 dollar speeding ticket (totally bogus, and I am contesting it), our trip down went very well....and Callum slept the whole time. We first stopped at Papa Goldsmith's, and Callum was happy to crawl around, play with Kody the 85 pound Maine-Coon cat, and sit on his Papa's lap. Callum even helped his Papa make a meatloaf for supper.
After Papa's we went to Nannie's house, and Callum hung out with PB while he waited for Nannie to get home from work. Nannie bought Callum (and Jackson...when he uses it come November) a nice high chair to use when he goes to "Nannie Camp." Callum enjoyed it very much, and as you can see from the picture, had fun eating his supper. After supper, Callum was out like a light.
One of the perks of staying at my mom's is that Callum sleeps upstairs in the den, and we sleep down in the finished basement. The den where Callum sleeps is right next to my mom and Bob's room, so Nannie gets up with Callum in the morning, and we get to "sleep in!" On Saturday, we slept until 7:30!!! It was so awesome!!!
On Saturday, we made our way over dad's after Callum got up from his nap, and then we went to Fresh Catch for some seafood. The service was awful, but the fried oysters were great! And Callum had some of his Papa's "filet of sole," and some of his mommy's fried haddock sandwich. Callum also enjoyed some cornbread. We then stopped at Hilliard's House of Chocolate (the world famous Hilliards), Honeydew Donuts for some coffee (Honeydew BLOWS Dunkin Donuts out of the water) and Petco, since Papa bought Callum all the setup he needs for an aquarium for his first birthday....more on that later!
After that, it was back to mom's for some serious playtime! Callum was as busy as a beaver, as he crawled all over the place, playing with all the new toys Nannie had for Callum, including a really awesome dog that sings when you touch it (daddy thinks the girl singing is wicked hot....even though he cant see her). Callum actually wore us all out, as it was tiring just to sit and watch him....
After Callum went to sleep, mom and bob "babysat" while Amanda and I went out on a date. We ended up at the Stoneforge Grill by Stonehill College, and we sat at the bar and had a couple of drinks while we watched the NCAA basketball on one television, and NCAA hockey (the REAL March Madness) on the other. It was awesome just to sit at the bar, have drinks, and talks. It reminded us of the times before we were married when we used to go out on dates...haha!
This morning we went over to Timmy the Greek's new house to see....well....his new house. It was great to catch up with Tim and see his new pad....very nice Tim!! We then went out to Stonebridge Cafe for some great breakfast (chicken cordon bleu omlette!) with Tim, and we further caught up by talking about the times when we used to be cool....haha
A very good weekend indeed, even though we didnt get to see the Favry's. But we'll see them soon enough....Kristin is sure to welcome Jackson Robert into the world any day now! Then I will be an uncle, Amanda will be an aunt, and Callum will be a cousin!


Anonymous said...

It was nice to see you all. Callum was sucha good boy, Barbara and I enjoyed him so much. Its fun taking him out to eat, he enjoys it so much, just like his father. Jackson where are you?????

Anonymous said...

Sorry we didn't get to visit callum but auntie is very big and very uncomfortable driving. Daddy should have put u on the bus to CT

We'll see you soon so you can meet your cousin!!!

Anonymous said...

Great weekend with Callum, we got to teach him how to "Clap" as we all have to yell Horrah!!! he enjoyed that a lot and thought he was such a big boy and funny doing it.

He is very busy and wore me out a little just watching him, I was very tired after he left and had to take a short nap.

He loved standing up and looking out the glass door onto the deck, i think i will leave the little handprints there for a while, they are kind of cute.

Anonymous said...

UM,,,,,, the anonymous response above is from Nannie, one day I will get this computer thing.......

Anonymous said...

Callum looks like such a big boy in his high chair. Jared I beg to differ on the coffee DD all the way!!!!!!