Sunday, March 1, 2009

An afternoon at the museum

The Maine State Museum, that is! Augusta, Maine's Capital city, boasts an extraordinary museum, archives, and library. Yesterday we met Lynne and George there for Callum's first trip (of many, we hope) to look around the museum. To our surprise, Jonathan showed up too, and walked around with us for a little bit before leaving to go work on some hot chick's car. Below, Uncle Jon and Callum pose for the camera, while George scowls because he just realized Barack is still our president. I could have easily written "George looks on with joy and excitement at the map detailing the museum layout" and that could have been right on too....George IS the master of expression after all...... Can you name all these fish? When Amanda and I were first dating, and I first came up to visit her during one of our winter breaks, we went on a date to the museum, and I impressed her by naming most of these fish correctly. I think that is why she married me, actually. Yesterday, however, was a different story, whereas I only got about MAYBE half of them correct. Ortiz, I bet you can do this!
The above picture is taken from the "Maine fishing heritage" exhibit, and the museum also pays homage to Maine's other indigenous crafts, exports, industries, and arts. There is a section on boat building, ice cutting, locomotive constructing, granite quarrying, logging, and even sardine canning! We'd love to take any of you out-of-staters to the museum next time you are really is pretty impressive! Its a hidden gem indeed.
Callum is just overjoyed at the ice cutting exhibit. Can you imagine if Chelsea got a load of this??!!?? She'd be in ice cubes!

This is downstairs in the "boat and engine" room. There is such irony in that Grampy is smiling, yet Callum isnt. They have some beautiful sailboats and handmade canoes down there....I love the canoes, as you can tell from my shirt!

Callum gives me a proper "thank you" for a great afternoon at the museum!

We'll have to go back soon, as Callum didnt get to see all the animals and stuff....and we know he loves his moose!!! He was getting pretty tired and hungry, and we had to get him something to eat.
As I write this, ANOTHER big storm is slowly moving its beautiful head up the coast and inland a bit to slam us with at least another foot of snow. I think its safe to say that "no school" is a pretty safe bet....but you can never tell!!! If so, I think this will be our 4th snow day (is that right Michelle or MET?) I thought we have had more, but I think this will only be our 4th. Oh well. Just more Curious George for CS and I to watch. PLUS, I can watch the boy romp around in his walker.....


Anonymous said...

I love the photos of Callum.

The fish thats another story, really doesn't interest me.

Only my Callum man does.

I bet he gets pretty heavy carring around, where is his stroller???

He is still a little peanut though in some photos he always looks so much bigger than he really is.

so if he was Hungry did he get to go to Mickey D's. or did you take him to Margaritville or the Liberal Cup.


Anonymous said...

Stop picking on George, well at leastI know you just don't pick on me. Anything about Maine's potatoes or blueberries?

Anonymous said...

Stop picking on George, well at leastI know you just don't pick on me. Anything about Maine's potatoes or blueberries?

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous was suppose to say NANNIE......

Computers... geesh.!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous was suppose to say NANNIE......

Computers... geesh.!!!!!!