Thursday, March 13, 2014

1st March Blizzard....

And here's to many more!! I hope we continue to get slammed! I HATE SPRING. 

We got out of school early yesterday and obviously we had no school today. This storm was a huge one--wind, ice, driving sleet, and TONS of snow. I dont even know the snow totals. Drifts everywhere and such. 

Every year we have HUGE frost heave problems with our garage and breezeway; usually, our breezeway door does not close (because the floor shifts so much--we sit on tons of clay by the river) from roughly January to April. Last night, with the wind whipping around, and the snow being blown up against the house, we were greeted by a couple of inches of snow on the breezeway floor....lovely. 

The State House opened at 10...I am surprised they were open at all, since they have been closed on days when it was not so bad out. It continued to snow through about 3 or 4 or so...I brought the kids out, finally, because they were chomping at the bit. But it was VERY cold and windy, so they didnt last as long as they wanted to. They have a blast 'helping' me clean up snow, shovel, roof rake, etc....

I am excited to get the snowmobile out this weekend! Can you believe it is mid March and we are still getting these storms? My friends with 'camps' on lakes like Moosehead, Embden, and more report that the ice is 4.5 feet thick. That is amazing; it is as thick as I have ever heard of it being. Kids at school are talking about if there will even be a baseball season, since, if or when this snow ever stops falling/starts melting, the fields need AT LEAST a good three weeks of drying out from being covered by snow all winter....

Look at all this global warming!!!

You can get a sense of the depth of snow from the snowblower 'marks.'

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