Sunday, March 9, 2014

I'll try to post pictures soon....

So if you came here just looking for those, you can go back to your candy crush game. Cuz there aint any pics.

Like I said last time, we havent really done much with pictures lately. I am leaving my dad wide open here for a battery joke....

Truth be told, I have been pretty down lately about my shoulder. So if you dont want to read about my shoulder, or you think I am 'complaining' about it my documenting what is going on so I can look back years later (this is a chronological blog after all) then feel free to go back to FB or Farmville

I havent really told many people about what is going on...but I am going to have to get surgery again. And it is going to be way worse this time. I have re-torn my labrum--along with a couple of ligaments. Same arm. Same labrum. But some minor differences. LAST year, I had surgery for a torn labrum and ligament that was torn on TOP--it is important to note that I had a very 'loose' ligament on the bottom of the labrum that he tightened up for me, in his words 'as much as we do in a normal clinical context." However, he told me (his words not mine...haha) that I am "way stronger and more flexible than I thought!" So, he didnt tighten that ligament enough, and it tore. And so did (according the the MRI) the bottom of the labrum.

I have no idea how this happened. All I know is that,, last year before surgery, I would rate my 'basal state pain' at about a 3...and it only got worse when I moved it in certain ways. Right now, just sitting here, I am probably at a 6 out of 10. It really sucks.

So I go see a specialist, to which my surgeon referred me, in a few weeks. I really want to NOT get surgery, but it looks like it is inevitable. And, as my ortho. surgeon told me, this time he would not be able to do it with a scope...he would have to open me all the way up. This would severely elongate my recovery time.

So the whole thing has me pretty down. To have done, basically, a whole year of recovery, PT, weight training, and stretching......all for absolutely nothing (actually MORE than nothing...because it got worse) is pretty sucky. I havent mentioned any of this on here yet. But I figured I would write it down so I could look back in several years. I dont even think my mom knows I re-tore it. Well...I guess she would if she looked at the blog...but she doesnt...haha

So that's all for now I guess.


Jason said...

Guy, I'm sorry you're so down because of this. What can ya do? You need the surgery. You deserve to be pain free and be able to do all sorts of things (cool and unkewl) that you love to do. Foremost, stuff with Killum and Mara.

I will come visit after your surgery and we'll watch videas and I'll eat your pain pills.

I love.

Tim said...

Listen to your MVP Dad friend. He is correct.

Maybe your BIL can hook you up with an automatic volvo until you are well enough to drive stick again.

Speedy recovery to you bud.