Wednesday, March 26, 2014


sums up how everything is in life lately, doesnt it? Thanks Timmy the Greek for a fantastic phrase that I can use to describe just about everything in Goldsmithdom lately. The weather. School. Home. Health. Running. Firewood. And everything else. 

The doldrums of March. The 26th isnt it? We still have FEET of snow in our yard--front and back. Nothing melts. Wind howls. I still prefer it to spring and summer, but a little variety can be a good thing. 

The kids need (and want) to go outside. But there is really nothing for them to do there. It is that completely useless time of year for kids; it is too cold and windy to be outside....and there is too much snow and ice to ride bikes and play ball and stuff like that...and you cant do 'snow things' because it is 'old snow' which is frozen, granular, and crappy: it has no fluff factor or fun, redeeming qualities. 

We are running out of things to do inside! Haha. The other day we brought out the 'air brush' thingy that the Favrys gave to Callum for Christmas. He wanted to make a shirt. It works...............interestingly. We'll leave it at that. It is an interesting piece of equipment......


Amanda has a book club she does with some friends (actually she has two book with some moms from church, and one with some other friends) She had a meeting the other night. Beth is in the club with Amanda, and Andy is away on business--so I told Beth to drop the gurlzzz off with me. Lin happened to be here too, and we had a blast. We got pizza, formed a rock band, watched some Mary Poppins, and played about a million other things......and dont let the terrified expression on Maira's face fool you....she had a blast!

 Then the other day during an all day workshop I came home at lunch and found that no one was home. So I decided to play a joke on the kids by setting up a bunch of their little Agway farm animals and having a trail lead to a big box of CatCookies from Trader Joe's. Jawn, if you are reading this, this idea was somewhat spawned from the masterpiece of 21st century literature CHICKEN CHEEKS. I guess the kids were very surprised and impressed with this upon walking into the house....