Here are Amanda and Callum near the summit of Day Mountain. We took Callum up on the carriage road--this is the only carriage road that actually goes to the summit of a mountain. He enjoyed it very much. We did, however, drive to the top of Cadillac Mountain on Sunday (Cadillac is the highest mountain on the eastern seaboard). Callum did NOT like this very much, since it was very very windy up there. But he LOVED his carseat after, when he napped the whole way down! We must have seen half a dozen cyclists riding up the mountain. What do you think Jonathan? Would we be crazy to ever try this? Have fun. I'll be at the bottom, enjoying a Bar Harbor Real Ale....
Again on the carriage road. Can you guess who is the happiest little guy on earth??
George, the owner of the Collier house, has this big wooden moose out front, which he decorates for the seasons. When we arrived on Saturday, "Merlin" was still wearing his Easter bunny years and holding a basket of eggs. Now, however, he is ready for all his spring planting and gardening. Obviously, we had to get a picture of Callum and the moose.
George, the owner of the Collier house, has this big wooden moose out front, which he decorates for the seasons. When we arrived on Saturday, "Merlin" was still wearing his Easter bunny years and holding a basket of eggs. Now, however, he is ready for all his spring planting and gardening. Obviously, we had to get a picture of Callum and the moose.
George Clemmens and his daughter (actually, especially his daughter, who has been living in Newfoundland and Nova Scotia for the past few years) are accomplished bagpipers. We often talk about bagpipes with George. For breakfast on Monday, George dug out his tuner to Callum to try. So, here is a picture of Callum playing bagpipes (sort of....). According to George: "With a name like Callum, he almost HAS to play the pipes!"

And who could forget: We ran into the Hargroves in Bar Harbor on Saturday! How cool!! We were walking down Cottage street when, all of the sudden, I saw an Amanda look-alike AND an idiot in a yellow I KNEW it must be Jesse and Ciara! We caught up with them, and Callum and Aiden enjoyed some play time on the village green while Daddy and Jesse got some "guy time" to check out Bayside of the BEST beer and wine stores ever.
And who could forget: We ran into the Hargroves in Bar Harbor on Saturday! How cool!! We were walking down Cottage street when, all of the sudden, I saw an Amanda look-alike AND an idiot in a yellow I KNEW it must be Jesse and Ciara! We caught up with them, and Callum and Aiden enjoyed some play time on the village green while Daddy and Jesse got some "guy time" to check out Bayside of the BEST beer and wine stores ever.
Great blog, Smalls! (by the way... the origin of 'Smalls' is this: Jared started calling me Big Big for some reason. Probably because I'm not. And so I started calling him Smalls. Because he's not. That's really all... Not a very interesting story, huh Ortiz?)
I love the picture of Callum in the stroller! It looks like he's going down a big hill, holding on, and laughing the whole time! He really did have a great time this weekend.
When can we go back????
looks like you guys had a great time!!!
The pictures are guys look like you had a great time! I love the picture of Callum in the stroller - what a great smile. Welcome home...hope to see you guys soon!
Maybe next year we can plan to come like we were planning to do this year. Looks like it is fun and relaxing!
Look at that smiling face, want to just pinch his cheeks and give him a big kiss.
looks like he had a fun time with you two.
he also looks like hs has grown a lot since I saw him two weeks ago.
OH MY STARS!!!! where has the time gone....
So we'll probably come next year with Juicy Jackson
Amanda, I was hoping for a better story than that. I love looking at pictures of Callum, he always puts a smile on my face and makes me feel a lot better.Jared, you and Amanda look great.
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