This morning the Goldsmiths participated in the MS walk....thanks so much to everyone who donated to our cause! It was a great turnout, and we saw a lot of folks we know. PLUS, the weather was beautiful! The walk started at the Waterville High School track, and went around in a nice big loop through the neighborhoods of Waterville. We ended at the track, where we decided to do a few laps to bring "closure" to our walk. The Winslow High School "Community Based Learning" class (you may have read about them in the NATIONAL WEEKLY "USA Weekend" magazine a couple of years ago?? Yeah...they were on the front cover....) did a lot of volunteer work for the event, and all the students always seem to love seeing Callum. They hooked him up with a balloon animal, a regular balloon to tie around his wrist, and even a medal for finishing the walks!! Below are mommy and CS after the walk.....

Here's Callum with legendary Winslow coach, teacher, mentor, and inspirational icon Jimmy Poulin. Coach Poulin is a Winslow mainstay, and his name is synonymous with the community. Suffering from MS and confined to a wheelchair, he retired a few years ago. But, as you can see, he is still very active. I wanted Callum to have his picture taken with "the legend." But, as you can see, Callum was more interested in checking out the Colby College hotties standing next to coach....

You can't hide that Black Raider pride!!
Here's me, Callum, and the Black Raider himself posing for a picture after the walk. Look at Callum's medal for crying out loud! Also, look at how fascinated he is with our mascot!

And here's Callum with his good friend Jessica. I have Jess in class this year, and I had her brother in class three years ago. Callum loves playing "Patty-Cake" with Jess, and he was excited to have his picture taken with her

Can you see the eagle? A homeowner out gardening pointed him out while we were walking. Click on the picture and it will blow up.....

Callum is napping now after a long walk. What will we do for the rest of the day??? It sure is nice out. Have a great weekend!
Love the many faces of Callum, too funny, wouldn't you like to know what he is thinking in some of those photos.
How much cuter can callum get? I just love seeing pctures of him.
Callum just looks like a "little boy" now. He is so cute
I think Jared's cute
At some point Callum would probably enjoy seeing a few eagles near the Kennebec River. (I hope that doesn't sound like a Bob story.)
a-ha....I see "the doctor" has graced our blog!!! welcome, doctor, welcome.....
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