One year ago this week......and our beloved Thomas P.......


Because I'm an English teacher, people sometimes ask me about who my favorite writer is, and if there are any good books they should read. The answer for the two questions has one answer: Donald Hall. Get your hands on something he's written about relationships, the nature of "work," the importance of silence and simplicity, baseball, and aging. And, when you do this, I can guarantee you'll be a better, more improved human being.
I had the unique honor of going to both meet and listen to Donald Hall this evening. Former U.S. poet laureate that he was, he humbled himself enough to come up to Maine (he lives in his great grandparent's farmhouse in NH) to read at the UMAINE Disgusta campus for the Terry Plunkett Poetry Festival. I met Melissa, Michelle Garner's sister at the event. Mr Hall read from his new memoir about writing poetry, and he read some heart wrenching pieces about growing old, outliving his father, losing his 20-year-younger wife to Leukemia, euthanizing horses, and you name it! After the reading, I was the third person in line to meet him and have him sign a copy of my number 2 favorite book of all time (number one is THE LITTLE PRINCE, of course), which is his autobiography LIFE WORK. I dont have the time or energy to go into the book now, but suffice to say it has changed my whole outlook on the idea of "working." A popular adage of his is "Don't let your work interfere with your job." I like that. And maybe that is why, each year, I somehow find myself being the only idiot on the street hand-splitting three cord of wood....
Anyway, I shook his hand, and told him what a pleasure it was to meet him. Furthermore, I told him (in my poor attempt at schmoozing) how I studied with Professor David Watters (his buddy from Phillips Exeter) who was my advisor for honors thesis....which in large part was inspired by Hall's work. Blah blah blah....I'm sure he hears this kind of crap all the time. But he was very gracious, and signed my book. I am very excited.
Tomorrow, we leave for my favorite trip of the year: Our first pilgrimage to Mt Desert Island, where we stay at the Collier house bed and breakfast. Its the middle of April....no one is on the island....none of the stores are open....things are "just" starting to come alive and wake up from the long winter....its just me, my awesome wife, and my beautiful son....and George Clemmens bakes the best bread I've ever eaten.
Who could ask for anything more?
I'm excited for our weekend too, Smalls! I think we're going to have a great time... Blog postings to come...
I'm glad you went to see Mr. Hall tonight. I'm sorry you had to go by yourself, but I had a nice evening at home too. I got a lot of things done that have been on my list :)
Hope you have a good time. I have to ask, where did the nickname smalls come from? Do I want to know????
Have a good time on your trip! It's going to be close to 80 degrees here today! We are going to my friends Joe and Colleen's house for our first barbecue of the season today. Can't wait to catch up w/ old friends I re-connected w/ on facebook. Have fun and post lots of pic's of the little guy!
Of course, anyone who reads this blog knows that Collier is actually your 2nd favorite destination to visit, topped only by the Clubhouse. I'll let this discretion pass this one time, as your oversight was probably just due to excitement.
Hey Timmy The Greek, are you making fund of me, Annie, Jared's mum and MY CLUBHOUSE...
blah blah blah,
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