After being big fans and consistent listeners for several years, the Goldsmith family are now members of MPBN (Maine Public Broadcasting Network). We signed up to be "Evergreen Friends," which means that we'll donate a small sum each month. It feels good to support public radio in Maine; it really is the only place I get my news, and it is definitely the only place I trust. Being "public" means they arent influenced by corporations telling them what to do, what to say, what not to say, etc. A counter-example of this, of course, is how Fox News, the biggest supporter of FORMER!!!! President Bush's policies is, in fact, owned by people in the Bush family. Go figure....
In addition to being (in my serious opinion) pretty fair and unbiased, I also love how there's no "sensationalism" in the news; you get real substance.....not some fluff-piece about how K-Fed was spotted leaving Starbucks without paying for his latte the night after Britney did three guys in a hot tub. And such and such.
But the news programming is just a SMALL part of what we enjoy about Maine public radio. Our real interest involves all the great arts and culture stuff you get--Friday night jazz, A Prairie Home Companion, This American Life, Selected Shorts, World Cafe, Wait, Wait Dont Tell Me, Classical music, and more. We just love listening to the radio, we love the good programming, we love the lack of commercial bias, and we love supporting something local in the great state of Maine. So we became members.
Plus, Renee Montagne is hot
If you are stuck in a rut with the same ol' crap on the radio, check out NPR! If you live near us in Maine, tune to 91.3. Or, if you live in Mass and want to check it out, arent you in for a treat...you've got three great stations. 90.0 is BU's station, and they do strictly news and information. 89.7 is the famous WGBH, and they do exclusively arts, music, and entertainment programming. And, finally, 91.9 is UMASS Boston's station, and they do all folk music.
Expand your horizons.
Boring, where are the pictures of Callum? Are you one of the new tree hugging pinkos who think you are saving the world, wearing Organic underwear.
I like being 'Evergreen Friends' of MBPN! I actually like listening to the news, but most of all I like 'Prarie Home Companion', Saturday nights on the radio (Thistle & Shamrock, World Cafe, Echoes...), and I like all the programs on the TV station. After all, we owe it to MPBN for introducing us to our British comedies, right smalls?
Oh My God! Britney did three guys in a hot tub? I'd want a free latte, too.
damn Garrison Keillor is ugly
You're welcome for WGBH.
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