Hi everyone. Amanda here for my second installment of 'Wednesdays with Callum'. I just have to say that Callum is such a good boy. He is content to play on his own and entertain himself while I do my work. I do take little breaks and play with him too - I can't help myself. He is just too cute to leave alone.
On Wednesdays we have breakfast and lunch together. I have been using a food mill to grind up food for Callum. I love this thing - Callum can eat whatever we're eating, and he loves it! For lunch today Callum had ham and brussel sprouts. He LOVES them as you can tell!

He also had a great time playing with my leftover pizza crust.

We got the news this morning that Baby Garner was born at 4:47 this morning! I hope I got the time right... Congratulations Michelle and Chris! So, after Jared got home from work and I finished my last hour of work, we piled into the car to head over to the hospital. Callum has actually enjoyed riding in the car lately. Especially when he has his turtle buddy.

And here is Baby Garner. Now, I'm still calling him 'Baby Garner' because he doesn't have a name yet. Hurry up, Michelle and Chris! Give this kid a name! Jared and I have been calling him Yernerd all day because that's what Michelle's nephew Emerson thinks the baby should be called. I think Michelle and Chris are leaning towards Reid, but we will see...

Baby G is a little peanut - weighing in at 6 lb. 7 oz. Here he is snuggling with his Mommy. Michelle looks great and you would never know that she gave birth less than 24 hours ago!

Being at Thayer (the hospital) brought back a lot of memories. I can't believe it was 10 months ago that we were there welcoming Callum into the world. What an amazing time, and it just keeps getting better everyday. Callum just couldn't resist reliving the first few days of his life...
After we came home I put Callum to bed, finished making a big pot of chicken noodle soup that I had been simmering all day, and now Jared and I are about to relax and watch some TV. One last picture of Callum -- how can I have a bad day when I have this?
You are so right,how can you have a bad day after seeing Callum smile. He is just so loveable
aaww! he's so cute! and so is Baby Garner! Oh yeah, and Callum had a cute shirt on yesterday, ha
he is a cutie, his smile makes him look like he is thinking of something to get in trouble over.
this is a great age. you forget all the beginning times and how you thought it would never get better.
the new baby reminds me of Callum a bit when he was born.
was Michelle early, tell them congratulations.
wow him and Jackson are only two weeks apart,
3 little boys in 10 months,
maybe we will get to meet him at Callums birthday.
Callum is such a happy boy. I love to look at his picures. The only thng better would be to see him. Maybe we should have a first birthday party in Mass.HMMMMMMMMMMM
or, better yet, CC and the fam should take their camper up to Maine for a visit...HMMMMMMMM haha
Hey if the camper is parked in your driveway would you have to " empty the shitter" like on national lampoons??? hahahaha
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