Hi folks
So Amanda and I took today off (friday) so we could travel to Ledyard to visit the Favrys and their new addition, Jackson. We got in late last night, and today has been a lot of fun....Sally Piles and Twon have been playing MarioKart on Wii for roughly 4.8 hours, Chelsea is chasing jelly beans, Kristin is trying to implement essential fine motor skills like walking into her daily routine, and I am catching up on some reading, playing with the boys, and nursing a bad headache. Right now CS is napping, and when he gets up, we are off to take the boys to get their picture taken with the Easter Bunny. So, here is a meandering....if Santa comes from the North Pole, then where does the Easter Bunny come from? What magical land belongs to E. Bunny?? Just wondering. Anyway, enjoy the photo of the new cousins playing!!
The Easter Bunny comes from Isreal, where they make the chocalate santas and easterbunnys, don't you know.
Ortiz, you're like the worst Jew EVER. You can't even spell Israel right. Go back to the Talmud.
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