Hey, wa happen???
Ya know...just hangin' out....eatin' a tape measure and such....
Be more.....

Dare I say it? I mean, its the middle of April, and we still have a fire every single day--usually in the early evening and through the night. But I am done with the wood stove for the year. Period. We'll just have to use the furnace if it gets cold, because I dont want to eat into next winter's supply of wood, and I just feel really weird about lighting a fire on April 14th.
But this afternoon was very nice indeed! Lynne had an appointment in Portland, so she and George brought Callum to me at school. He got to visit with some teachers and students, and he was eager to show everyone his clapping and Patty-Cake skills. I then brought him home, changed his diaper, and set him up in his stroller for a walk over to Lawrence High School where the Winslow .Black Raiders were playing the Lawrence Bulldogs. This is very difficult, because I am a Black Raider, but Callum, technically, is a Bulldog, because he (as of now) will go to Fairfield schools. Its quite the quagmire....
Anyway, it was great to be outside, walk to the school, and watch some great baseball and softball games. There were some other students and teachers there, and its always fun to socialize and decompress in an "out of school" setting. Plus, you can't hide that Black Raider pride...
Today was also special because I took my first road ride of the season; I've actually been DREAMING about riding my bike outside....pretty sad, huh? So today, even though the wind picked up in the late afternoon, I did a short ride (about 11 miles) just to see how out of "bike shape" I am. I've been doing a lot of longer runs during the winter and early spring....but biking is a totally different set of muscle groups. Nevertheless, it felt AWESOME to be on the open road...there's so much beauty around here.
Jeez...as I write this, I realize just how much I pack into my day. Its no wonder why I crash every single night, huh?
Three more days til vacation!!! I can't wait to go to the Collier House with Sally and C.S.
Oh my God, he looks so grown up, it brings back so many memories of Jared when he was that age wearing his overalls, dancing around.Its like reliving the whole thing, only better.You and Amanda are so blessed to have a beautifull, healthy boy. Love dad.
I can't wait for this weekend either, Smalls!
I'm glad you finally got outside for your first ride of the season!
Callum is so cute! Emma is here with me and she said "Callum is getting so big and I love him. Love Emma."
Panda me and Emma are off this week, its raining and miserable here in New Jersey. We are going to try and call you later.
Love to you all!
Callum is getting so big. He looks so handsome in his vest. How does he like being the "big" cousin?
I still love his khaki pants, haha. They're like real pants! it's so funny I didn't have my camera this weekend so our pictures from Easter are on my mom's camera, when I get them I promise to make a blog!
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