On April 2nd, at 3:33 in the morning, Callum became a cousin, and Amanda and I became an aunt and an uncle, respectively. This is very cool. I can't believe that my little sister had a baby! We can't wait to meet him; we were going to travel down to see the little tyke this weekend, but I think we'll wait until next week, when things are a little more calm, and the Favrys are resting comfortably at home.
I hear Jackson has already made his feelings known to his Nannie, giving her the finger when she tried to put a hat on him. And, I heard that he loves to suck his thumb, just like his cousin Callum. I also heard--literally--that this kid has a SET of LUNGS on him. Maybe he'll be a singer like his Uncle Jared. Uncle Jared....I like the sound of that.
On the Goldsmith front, things are going well. Humprhies continues to defecate "just" outside the litter box....just to keep me honest. Callum is getting closer and closer to standing and walking each day....he is a strong little guy! Amanda might go shopping for an Easter outfit for Callum tomorrow, which leaves me more time to drink beer alone in the basement. Just kidding. Sort of. But I will try and move some wood, even though its been pouring pouring pouring out tonight, and our clay-laden yard will undoubtedly be a mud pit. Oh yeah...I forgot to mention the firewood on the blog the other day....I will do a post on that....no pun intended. Get it? Post?
Anyway, now Sally and I are off to watch Arrested Development, which "may" be the funniest freakin' show we have ever seen. And I mean that sincerely. The Office will always have a special place in my heart, but this show is unreal...I mean laugh out loud funny! Anyone ever see it? Any fans?
Anyway, get some good rest tonight Uncle Arf and Auntie KK. And tell Jackson we love him.
I love Arrested Development. It was truly the funniest show on television. Hysterical.
allison jordan??? are you serious? I didnt know you read this blog!!! Have you been a long-time "closet" reader? What's happening!?
Haven't seen AD yet.
My Top 5 Funniest Shows Of All Time:
1. Seinfeld
2. Chappelle's Show
3. Three's Company
4. Saturday Night Live
5. Family Guy
6. It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
7. Night Court
8. Are You Being Served?
9. Entourage
10. Cheers
Arrested Development is freakin' hysterical. I think it helped put Bateman back on the map, and obviously led to the dorky kid getting movie deals.
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