Saturday, February 9, 2008

February Saturday

A beautiful, cold, clean Saturday morning in Fairfield Maine. The snow, combined with the freezing temperatures—it was 6 degrees this morning—created some beautiful scenery in both the icy-glazed trees and the seethingly wispy Kennebec River. Many times during the winter, the water is warmer than the air, and the result is a mist that filters and transmits early morning sun into a palette of mellow, layered colors. I met Eric at Bee’s for an early breakfast, and then I headed back home through Benton and across the Fairfield Bridge. There is a beautiful train bridge that traverses the river, and I love driving home while at the same time there is a train creeping across the river. No train today, but you can get a sense of the beauty of the river. I think it’s a good idea to post photos of your hometown. I have a “blog friend” who does the same thing for his town. I have included a picture of our “commons” in the village. You may notice a big “white tent” looking thing . . .well, in the spring, summer, and fall, this is a beautiful water fountain. They cover it up in the winter to protect it from snow. Also pictured is our “famous” “Lawrence Library,” which a terrific place to go and hang out, read a book, or talk with Mr. Spear, since he’s always there. A beautiful building both inside and outside. And librarians who would do anything for you.

After breakfast, I shoveled yesterday’s snowfall (about 3 or 4 inches or so) and we made a quick stop at Hillman’s Bakery before driving to Portland to conquer Babies R Us. We finished our registry today . . . .praise God. A thought I had while I was there: why, on earth, do grown males choose to work at Babies R Us? I counted 6 different men working there. Now, I had a great time today looking at stuff for our son, and planning his bedroom, etc. But after 2 hours, I don’t think I ever want to go there again. How do guys do this? I think I would smother half the mothers and their bratty little kids. I could go on and on but I wont. How clichĂ© is it, by the way, when the male counterpart in the relationship handles the “gun” for the bridal or baby registry, and makes a big deal about the fact that they “have the gun” and get to “scan?” Its like corporate R&D folks knew the only way they could get the male to be involved was to give him a gun type phallus, and let him be “in control.” Its very Freudian. And anyway, that was me today. It was great.

But we ended up registering for about 89 items today, and I have to say I had a blast. I thought I wouldn’t. I am sure we forgot tons of important stuff, but that is why we have Nannie Bolger and Grandmom Willard as our consultants. For example, we didn’t register for any of the boob stuff today. I like to think I know a lot about boobs . . .but not when there is milking, padding, pumping, and ointment-ing involved. So Lynne and Amanda will go and get all that stuff. Yeah . . . .

A stop at Starbucks for a drink was also in order, as was a stop at Best Buy in the mall. We had a gift certificate from Christmas, and we bought season 2 of “The Office,” as well as a neoprene armband iPod holder for when I run and work out. We met Lynne George (who turned 65 today), Brick, Nacho, and Nacho’s mom at Craparitas (I know . . .I’m whipped. . . .I swore I’d never go back to the dive again . . ) But it was good to see people.

But I hate Craparitas . . .more than ever . . . .


Anonymous said...

I thought Amanda was going to stay home and rest!

Anonymous said...

WEll, I don't really like the potty you picked. I want to get the bean the one that has the toilet paper roll and sings songs when he flushes......I'll still get that ok?