Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Oh, to live in a mushroom

The Smurfs turn 50 today! Happy Birthday little blue friends! I have always been a huge smurf fan, and I think this stems from the way I used to watch them with my dad on Saturday mornings AND from the way I used to collect them. When I was little, my mom and dad would take Kristin and I to Sedell's Pharmacy in Easton where, if we were good that week, we could pick out a smurf as a reward. They were a pretty big deal back then; they were in a rotating glass case and had their very own space on Sedell's countertop. I became disenchanted when, out of the blue, the Smurfs sort of fell off the face of the earth--the only place, in fact, I could find the little figures was at "Planet," a store in downtown Camden. I have kept all my Smurf figures because I love them AND I am convinced they will be valuable someday. My dad makes fun of me all the time because he thinks I am nuts, but the smurfs are making a huge comeback, according to a story on NPR today. See dad . . .you can kiss my butt! Me and my smurfs are going to be huge I tell you . . .huge! Here are my four favorite smurfs, which I keep out all the time. There is Irish smurf, King Smurf, Doctor Smurf, and Hiker Smurf. King smurf is my favorite. Always has been. Here is a close up of the little guy

I was always insecure about Kristin stealing my Smurfs, because that is how she rolls. SO I used to label my initials on the bottom of each figure. This way, I could be sure she'd never steal mine. I think this was the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship with OCD. Check out the NPR story link if you are a smuf fan:

They are releasing the series on DVD and I will be first in line to buy it. I will teach my son ALL about the ways of the Smurfs. Its kind of funny how, in pop culture, there are all these "conspiracies" about the smurfs. For example, some people would argue that they are promoting communism, since they all live together in a communal village, they all look equal, they all wear pretty much the same thing, they all talk the same, and they all take orders from the one entity who looks different then them . . .and is also RED. Some argue that the show is sexist and chauvanistic because Smurfette is the only girl and she is assigned all the "female gender roles." I have even heard the theory (totally serious) that the creators of the smurfs were trying to desensitize little kids to small blue creatures . . .in preparation for a mass alien invasion.

I love the smurfs!


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh Keith loved the Smurfs too! I remember he collected all of them. I thought they were ugly.

Michelle Garner said...

I loved the Smurfs, too. My sister and I also collected My Little Ponies and Strawberry Shortcake...ah, the good ol' days.

Anonymous said...

Fragle Rock is where it is at!!!!!

Anonymous said...

remember their underwater cousins, the snorks? do you still have your Smurfette blow up doll?

Anonymous said...

Long live Papa Smurf!

Belle said...

Jared your not the only dork saving Smurfs, Steve Cee has saved his also and just brought them out the other night to show Emma. Of course Emma had no idea what a Smurf was. I think we'll have to buy her that video so you wont be the only idiot in line.

On another note don't let Lovey-Dovey fool you. He loved the Smurfs. When we had our shore house there use to be this toy store called the Hobby Shop and they carried all the Smurfs in their own case. We loved going to that store and buying Smurfs!

Hey ask Lovey-Dovey about He-man and Skelator!

Anonymous said...

Remind me to tell you a great, if not phenomenal, story about Sedell's this weekend Ja.

Anonymous said...

i love the conversation i've started here! lovey-dovey and i liked the same stuff . . .i was big into he man and i even had the castle of grayskull and stuff. perhaps this summer me, emma, and the bean can watch the smurfs. it will be like a date. we'll get gaetanos. oh wait . . .they suck now. how about just some of aunt june's egg rolls . . .

Anonymous said...

Remember Mikey Shaw had the smurf house thing??

Jared, hate to tell you but i have like 8 of your SMURFS...LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA

Anonymous said...

the man who turned his skin blue was on oprah this week and he looks like papa smurf.

Anonymous said...

Gargasmell. Ha ha.

Belle said...

Sounds like a date Jared and don't worry Aunt June has PLENTY of egg rolls so I don't think we'll run out. Oh yea you can brink the cokey cokey!

Belle said...

Lovey-Dovey's heman use to beat up my barbies!

Anonymous said...

Cousin Lauren said...
I used to love watching the Smurfs! I had a Smurfette stuffed doll too!

Anonymous said...

I have the egg rolls ready!!!!!!!!
I hope we'll have enough for the crowd.