Monday, May 12, 2008

Meanderings 30 (WOW . .. 30 volumes of crap!)

Yesterday at Graziano's La Casa Mia (Grandpop is doing his impression of George here . . .)

Is this really my 30th meandering?? Wow. Thanks to those of you who have been there since the beginning. Let me know if you're still reading this blog. Leave a quick comment.

1. When I was in school, teachers always used to say "if you dont study hard, you'll end up being a garbage man when you grow up." First of all, teachers wouldnt be allowed to say that today, because we'd offend a kid whose parent was a garbage man, and we'd probably have to go to some special meeting or something. But, second of all, teachers got it all wrong: what, in the world, isnt cool about being a garbage man? You get to be outside all day, you dont have to dress up for work (in fact, you SHOULD dress like a slob), you get free rides on the back of the garbage truck (which is 90 percent of the reason why little boys want to be firefighters in the first place), you can look at the crap people throw out and then talk about them later, and there is absolutely NO STRESS in being a garbage man. Furthermore, from a psychological point of view, there's got to be something liberating about making stuff go . . .away. Dont you feel good when you clean stuff up, make room, and throw clutter out? This is what these guys get to do every day. So good for the soul. Sign me up. I want to be a garbage man . . .I mean, to me, those free rides make it worth it.

2. Somebody in the world has the dubious honor of being the "world's best triangle player." Furthermore, someone else is probably the world's "worst" triangle player. In either case, do you want to be recognized with this superlative? I dont think so. Does the world's best triangle player have a CD? And, if so, why not? I wonder if triangle players, like many hoyty-totyty musicians, are all arrogant and stuck up about their "art," and scoff when someone says "hey, you play the triangle, right??" and then say, "we prefer "Geometric Triad Reverberator," but, being a commoner such as yourself, you probably didnt know that . . ." I'd like to find the world's best triangle player, and then proceed to kick their ass all over town for wasting their life away. Thats all.

3. Hey, are all your ducks in a row? If not, why? People are always saying to "get your ducks in a row." Why is that? I dont think I know anyone who actually HAS ducks--except George, and they are wooden, and he keeps his way up on top of book shelves all around the house, so they are definitely NOT in a row. Having your ducks in a row means, if I am correct, that everything in your life is organized and in-line. Soooo . . .if literally all your ducks are in a row, then figuratively, all your ducks are NOT in a row, since you've been wasting all your time putting fake birds in a straight line, and NOT getting done the real important crap in your life that needs to be done in the first place. So I guess thats all I have to say about that.

4. From the "you know you live in Maine" file I keep: Today was the annual "everything goes" trash pick up day in the town of Fairfield. This means that, for one day only, all the residents can virtually throw anything out to the curb, and the town, aided by their huge plow and sander dump trucks and front end loaders, will take it for you (except for three sheets of old shingles which they left on my lawn . . .I dont know why . . .I mean, people put out water heaters, old furnaces, electrical stuff like computers . . .but some lousy shingles? Oh well.). So, yesterday, my street looked like the fourth of July parade, as old pickup truck and low riding caravan after old pickup truck and low riding caravan crawled down the street at a breakneck speed of 4 m.p.h. looking for any trash that showed promise for them. I would say that 78-79% of all the stuff I put out to the sidewalk was picked up by some random Mainer within the first hour--pieces of aluminum, an old VCR that has tracking problems, a broken trunk thats missing the lid in the first place . . .all gone! Where does this stuff go? Folks drive down the street so unabashedly . . .even when I'm standing in my yard 20 feet away . . .and pick through my garbage. Do I live in China or something? No. Its Maine. God bless America.

5. We go to the regular doctor for virtually all our ailments--every injury, rash, burn, ache, pain, swelling, inflammation, and bulging--from head to toe. Except the mouth. For that, you need to go to the dentist. Its kind of funny if you think about it. The mouth (and to a lesser degree the eyes) has its very own "special" doctor in the dentist. The mouth is one of the smaller body parts in the human anatomy . . .and physicians handle everything you can throw at them. But they stop at the mouth. Its like, at some point, long ago, doctors got fed up and said "ya know what? Screw you guys. We ain't doing the mouth. The buck stops here. Someone else do this shit. Not me. I got the rest of the body."

6. When you brush your teeth, and you're in a rush, do you sometimes turn on the water on before you are ready to spit out? Just to "save time" while you have a second at that particular moment? That way, when you are ready expectorate, the water is already turned on, and its just one less thing for you to worry about. I find myself arriving a lot earlier to places if I do this. Do you?

7. Ladies, its time to put on your big girl underpants and start a revolution--what is this crap with gender segregated bathrooms?? Its so unfair, and if I was a girl, I'd be complaining about this each and every month when I complain about everything else. Guys have the freedom to go the bathroom whenever they want at big social functions at concerts, theater events, etc. But if you are a girl, you always have to wait in line. Why is this? Why hasnt any savvy architect learned by now that you dont want to piss mumma off, and thus designed a civic center with a bigger ladies room than a men's room. As a guy, I really appreciate not having to wait to pee, because sometimes you really gotta go . . .but I would be TOTALLY fine with having unisex bathrooms. I mean, what the heck is the big deal? We all walk around half naked these days anyway, so I say screw it. We live in such a gilded society that we like to pretend that its "just not right to have men and women peeing together." But we all know its fine--who really minds? And if you are a girl and you're going to say "well, I dont want to listen to the loud craps that the guys take . . .I dont want to have to smell all the poop," then to heck with you. What, do you not poop? Are you that pure? Fine. Go wait in line cuz we dont want you anyway. For the rational ones: Come on in ladies, there's plenty of room.


Anonymous said...

I still have to say that I love your meanderings, Jared. They are so fun to read! They really get you thinking about things! I think that it would be fine for bathrooms to be unisex, in fact if there's still bathroom stalls, it shouldn't matter, right? there's still a door!!

Anonymous said...

I see George is still his old smiling self!! Glad you all had a good time on Mother's Day

Anonymous said...

I'm still a readin yer blog J. but whats the crap about triangle players??? My cousin daryl plays the dang triangle.

and as fer the teeth brushin, I always just leave the water runnin' this way I always get where i'm goin' waay early!

later bub

Anonymous said...

I still read the blog and Cool Nanny and I are on the Bean count down duty, we follow it more that ever.

Jared, we want to remind you to bring a mobil phone with a camera, so that you can email a picture as soon as possible.

Hillbillies for Clinton are supporting your Tax spending politicians so that the Bean and Brandon can get their college bond she promised if it is retroactive. Don't you love it when politicans take money away from those rich people, and give it to us.

Anonymous said...

Here in New Jersey garbage men make good money. Most are unionized and can make big bucks. I don't know if you would want that job in the summer though, it could get a little smelly.

Belle said...

Hey Jared, I bet you didn't know Steve cee was a trash man. Yeh he really was for the city of Burlington in the summers during college. He made great money doing it but said it was a really shitty, smelly job.

Anyway tell panda I got her email but for some reason I have trouble when I try and respond and send it from work. It doesn't work. So I need to get of my lazy butt after work and either call or email her back.

We love you guys and I can't believe the bean is almost here! I absolutely, positively can not wait for you guys to visit this summer!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

A. Unbuckling my seatbelt as I'm fractions of a mile away from my destination helps me get there faster too.

B. Count me among those that want to maintain segregation of the outhouses. If I'm starting to like a girl, but not sold on her yet, and end up in a neighboring stall to her while she's having a hard time, well, that could really suck. I'm just not ready to hear that at that juncture. Same would be true vice versa, I'd imagine.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeh and just to let you know Jared, I have used the mens bathroom at a concert once. The womens line was way to long so me and my girlfriends went in the guys. Oh yeh I bet that really makes me popular with you now! :)

Maher said...

Every trash day in Dot is an "everything goes trash pick up day". Our streets always look like that but the sand people usually come and grab everything before the sanitation engineers show up. You put something out the night before and its gone by morning. It doesn't matter how large. Nevermind, at first light when the can crews come out in droves.

Anonymous said...

I am shocked and outraged. While doing a search to find a used Gettingnemb Triangle at a reasonable price, I happened upon your crude site. Please discontinue writing about subjects that you know nothing about.
Thank you,
Francis J. Quinwithy
Upper Nebraska Triangle Appreciation Guild

Anonymous said...

and the comment of the month goes to: Francis P Quttenwithy

Priceless . . .

(I am proctoring detention right now, so this made me smile)

Anonymous said...

Is the brushing your teeth meandering a recycled thought?

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone I just survived my first day of working 18 hours straight. Boy, I am either going to buy more birkenstocks or a big nice purse!!!! Hope you all are having a great week. I love you all. Hope the Bean is doing good!!!!