Wednesday, May 28, 2008

One of these things is not like the other....

Hi. Amanda here. Tonight's blog is coming to you courtesy of some new acquisitions that we've recently made. No, the Bean is not here yet...but we are expecting him any day now. I think we're pretty much ready although I'm sure I'll realize, after he's actually here, that I've forgotten a million and one things. Oh well... I think our excitement, love and care will be sufficient until we figure out what exactly we're doing.

Here is Jared with his brand new grill, a very generous gift from DH. Jared made delicious 'Lemon Garlicious' chicken on it tonight and we also had corn on the cob which I love. Tomorrow night we'll have Michelle and Chris over for hot dogs and cheeseburgers. Grilling is one reason that I love summer - the food tastes great and there isn't anything quite like the smell of something on the BBQ. Isn't this grill huge? That's what she said.

Here is Jared with his brand new road bike. I am very proud of him for actually making this purchase. He has been saving money for about a year now, and even though the funds were just sitting on his dresser waiting to be spent on this bike, he still had doubts about buying it. Not because he didn't want the bike, but because he thought we had other things to do that were more important. This is something that I appreciate about Jared - he is very responsible with money and is always putting our family/home needs before his own. I admire this quality, and am also annoyed by it because he literally never buys anything for himself, whether he wants it OR needs it. This was definitely a break through for him. I think he's going to be really happy with this bike. Not to mention the fact that he looks great on it. That's what she said.

Finally, here is the Bean's new dresser, courtesy of Papa Goldsmith and Nannie. This dresser now contains little socks, little pants, little gowns, little blankets and little hats for our baby. It will also serve as a changing table. I am all about things that have multiple functions. That's what she said.


Michelle Garner said...

Nice job, Amanda! You are an expert poster - that's what she said! Chris and I laughed our way through the blog tonight...I love your postings, primarily because they sound so completely different from Jared, and that's in a good way! We're looking forward to tomorrow night - Chris wanted me to mention that we have a huge package (that's what she said) of hot dogs (he'll show those to you later, Jared), so if you want us to bring those over with our salad, we can do that. Just let us know!

Great post! :)

Anonymous said...

Great post Amanda!

Jared congratulations w/ your new bike! I hope you have lots of fun riding even though you may have very little time in the very near future. Thats what she said....

Hurry up bean! Get here soon!

Unknown said...

Is that a 10-speedah?

Anonymous said...

Apanda Pie, I can't beleive you are using that corney line from your husband,,,,

OH MY STARS!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

you got pegs?

Anonymous said...

Can you attach a little seat on the back for the bean, so you can take him for a ride and pick up Chinese food take out. Your new purchases look relly good.

Anonymous said...

Aunt June here, Happy Birthday Jared! Guess what, I got Uncle Bob a bike for our anniversary and Father's Day, this must be the year for bikes!!!!! Again HAPPY BIRTHDAY I am patiently waiting for the Bean, any day now.

Anonymous said...


Belle, Steve cee & little cheese

Anonymous said...

Congrats on all your new stuff!! hehe, we'll get a lot of use out of you new grill!!! and also your new baby!

Anonymous said...

Panda, hurry up and have the Bean already!!!! We want to see him. hope all is well and enjoy these last days with each other because there will be no more alone time. Haha!!!!