I chose this title for the post because it contains two items of recent interest: my rock concert last night, and my birthday today!
I turn the big 3-0 today, and, as if it isnt such an anxiety producing occurrence on its own, the little baby Goldsmith should be joining us any HOUR now. So, I go from a 29 year old smartass punk to a 30 year old AND a father--probably within a week of each other.
This morning Amanda took me out to breakfast at "The Villager," which she calls "The Old Fogies Restaurant" because of its old-fashionedness like a nostalgic coffeeshop type of restaurant. Plus, a lot of old people go there. Then, we went to Agway (as usual . . .its our favorite store in the world) and got some soil and grill stuff. THEN we went to Mathieu's Cycle so I could get some (already) adjustments done to my new bike--the guys there are top notch people and professionals, and they were more concerned with Amanda and her impending child than any of the customers in the store . . .it was cute.
Tonight, the Willards and Walters' are coming over and we are going to Butcher's Choice Steakhouse for my birthday dinner--I am going to get Prime Rib . . .on the BONE!! (Sorry mom and Kris that you wont get to see me eat it . . .and Dad, I'll try to make you proud . . .). Then we are coming back here for cake, which I havent been able to see yet, but I do know that Amanda picked it up at Hillman's and she is excited for me to look at it . . .
The picture may not have come out great (it was dark pre-concert), but that is last night's set up of "J.S. and the Nefarious Henchmen," which is my side project rock band. I havent mentioned anything about it on the blog I dont think, but basically it is me, my colleague Dave, two senior boys, and one freshman girl (the sister of one of the senior boys). We played it for a junior class fundraiser and we made about 400 bucks, which is great for the junior class. Amanda wanted to post pictures, but, like I said, they didnt come out well. She DID, however, tape the second set on our new camera, and it came out wonderfully! (I am sure you will want to see it too . . .) Reviews were excellent, although Dave and I are our own worst critics--the first couple of songs were a little bumpy because our timing was a little off (which naturally happens with bands of 5 people playing together). Plus, we were having some technical difficulties because none of our monitors worked (monitors are speakers that "face" the performers instead of the audience, so that the performers can actually hear what the hell they are doing) so, for an hour, I couldnt hear my voice or my instrument at all (thats what she said). But that aside, it was awesome, and we'll do it again for the school! I played piano and sang the songs . . .but I also got to play drums on a John Mayer song, which was cool because I love drumming and havent ever played live. I think even George "let's get tanked at the Al-Jo" Willard approved (he drummed in a band in the 60's in places that sound like they would be seen in Austin Powers movies). Our set list was something like:
Teenager-My Chemical Romance
Time-Pink Floyd
Snoopy Theme Song (instrumental)
Beverly Hills -Weezer
No Air-Jordin Sparks (I did this one solo . . .an "acoustic" version of the song)
Waiting for the World to Change-John Mayer
Hey Ya-Outkast
Anna Begins-Counting Crows
Paralyzer-FInger 11
A great concert . . .thanks Sally, for taping it! See you all later. I am off to go tinker in the garage before dinner . . .
Happy Birthday Jared!!!!
Happy Birtghday, your over the hill now!! Don't forget from now on each birthday comes faster and faster, just ask M.I.L. and QVC Queen.
Oh, do we have a lot to celebrate this summer, all the birthdays, births and let's not forget Mel. What a great year this has been so far. Thank you God.
Happy Birthday, Jared!
Hi Ja, Happy Birthday again. Sorry I was not up there to celebrate with you(actually to partake in the prime rib) We will cellabrate when we come up to see Callum. Maybe we can buy a prime rib and make it on the grill. Boy 30 years went by real quick, I loved you every min.,well almost.Manny even hit his500th on your birthday!!!!
Happy Birthday Big Boy - I cannot wait to blow your candle!
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