Thursday, October 2, 2008

Pets will break your heart....

In front of the stove....
He loved to be outside.....
with Auntie Kristie and Chelsea.....
napping with Mommy......
sitting in his widow, keeping watch....
I have the dubious task of letting you all know that this afternoon at about 2:30, we put our beloved cat Thomas P. Goldsmith to sleep. To say that we'll miss him would be the understatement of the year for us; for us he was more than a cat....he was an absolute part of the family. Its funny when you think about it--this relationship we have with our animals. So many people question how anyone can ever get attached to a cat; pop culture tells us dogs are the affectionate beings, and cats just basically use you for food....and thats it. But Thomas was different. Anyone who spent any time with him knows he was more like an actual person than an animal--incessantly purring, always jumping up to sit on your lap, demanding whatever "people food" you are eating, although his wet cat food is mere feet away. From a personal standpoint, Thomas was my "roommate" for a couple of years after I graduated college, and before Amanda and I got married. Those were some difficult times: I hated my job, I hated my apartment, and I hated my life. Yet, every day, Thomas was there to jump up on my lap after a crappy day at a crappy New Hampshire school.

I am not one to outwardly express my less than happy emotions; to see me crying is somewhat of an anomaly. But boy did that change today. What is it about these pets that makes them so gut wrenching to lose? First of all, I think it is the fact that I had to actively and deliberately bring him to the vet's, sign a consent form, and physically walk away from him, leaving him in the vets hands to soon be euthanized. I feel solely responsible for ending his life because, after all, it was my decision. But I think what it is about animals that makes them so apt to break your heart is the fact that they cannot speak; they can't communicate with you on an interpersonal level. Thus, we "invent" moods for them to "be," and we imagine them thinking thoughts and playing roles that suit our purposes. This language barrier allows us to think the animals are "saying" whatever we want to them to say--and they never disagree with us, and they almost never talk back. Its crazy but its true.

Losing a pet is like stopping a fantasy....or ending a dream. I've found myself, already, no less than 4 times, "looking" for Thomas around the house this afternoon, wondering where he's sleeping, hoping he's not getting into any mischief. I feel stupid every time I realize he's not actually there--and never will be again. How is it that this 7 pound animal (he had lost a lot of weight from his illness) can make a 240 pound one cry like a baby?

We'll probably get another cat, but not right now. Its too soon. We need to try to "mourn" Thomas, if you will, for a while. The final straw, says the vet, was in fact a type of lymphoma--metastasizing around his kidneys. He just wasnt himself--he hadnt eaten in four days, he peed anywhere he needed to (his bladder was HUGE), he drooled a stinky liquid, he couldnt jump up on the bed, couch, or chair, and he couldnt even support his own head upright as he sat. Even standing, which he did not very often, was difficult for him--he was always shaky, and even fell down a couple of times. Dr. Walsh, the vet, told us we had the opportunity to hold him while he administered a tranquilizing drug, and then injected him with the overdose that would kill him. But we declined (I say "we" because Amanda was insistent on coming with me to the vet). Instead, we gave him a simple kiss on his small little head, and walked out of the room--not even looking back. It was heartbreaking.

No longer will anyone sit right beside me as I eat, getting on both hind legs to try and steal my food. No longer will a small orange cat sit by the breezeway door, meowing ad nauseum to be let outside--only so he can bask in the sunshine, and eat grass that will eventually make him sick. And no longer will Thomas lay apathetically in front of the cranking wood stove, on a cold winter night, dreaming of whatever it is that these pets we have dream of.....

But he'll live in our memories forever. Thank you Thomas.


Anonymous said...

We are so sorry. I am sorry that we didn't get to talk with you tonight. Uncle Bob & I totally know how you and Amanda are feeling. I cried when I read your post. We have also been down that road. I wish there was something that we could say other than we are sorry. Thomas is now with grandmom and they are both safe. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry for you... This was a very sincere post, and I am certainly in tears. Thomas will never be forgotten, and you guys gave him the best home a kitty could ask for.

Anonymous said...

Jared and Amanda,
Dad and I are really sorry about Thomas. We will sorely miss him. You were so right in saying that he was not really like a cat. He was so much like a human. I think that is why we become attached so much tgho our pets. We think of them as part of our family and we treat them as such - we love them, care for them and have concern for them while in return, they give us comfort and unconditional love. We're sorry that you have to go through this and we know how you feel. It brings back sad memories of Allegro and Daisy. It is a real grief that you're feeling and you will mourn for quite awhile and never forget. Just give yourself time. Our love and thoughts are with you.
Love, mom and dad.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear. I can truly relste to the feeling of leaving him in the vets arms and walking away.It is heart renching and something I had to do 2 years ago so I really understand your pain. It is a feeling that stays with you for a very long time but just try to focus on all the good memories of Thomas. It was the right decision for Thomas so he doesn't suffer and you have to remind yourself of that Jared. He will truly be misseda

Michelle Garner said...

We were so sorry to hear about Thomas when you called us this afternoon...from someone who has lost two cats over the past couple of years, I know how you must be feeling.

Take comfort in your memories of Thomas and your love for'll be in our hearts and thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Remember where Thomas came from, you took him into your home and gave him a wonderfull life.He thanks you for this and loved you very much.

Anonymous said...

A few memories to make you smile...remeber one thanksgiving when you were here and Thomas came into our room at night and then just jumped out our window onto our front portch....I had to run into your room at 2am and say " Um jared Thomas jumped out the window" Then Amanda and I ran onto the front lawn to find him and saw Anthony hanging out the window getting him off the roof....

Then there was Father's day when he tried to hang himself off the fence...

Remeber when i dressed him in Nannie's orange scarf and you got mad cause he was a boy.

Oh Thomas, AUntie is gonna miss you. I know you are in kitty heaven now with fluffy. They let you sit at the kitchen table there and eat turkey.

Anonymous said...

You know how much I loved Thomas P. I wanted you to get a new kitty and give him to me, remember. I will really miss him, i will have memories of him always "marching" and purring so loudly all the time.

We will all miss him terribly.
Love, Nannie.

Anonymous said...

We are so sorry to hear about Thomas. He was a wonderful cat with a great personality. Our hearts go out to both you and Amanda. Try and take comfort in the fact that you gave Thomas a wonderful, loving home. Abby and Daisy will surely keep him company up in heaven.

Anonymous said...

Read about your kitty on Mel and Jon's blog.......So sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

Jared & Amanda,
I am so sorry to hear about Thomas P. I actually saw this post a few days ago, but could not finish reading it because I was too sad (and couldnt cry at work). Today I decided to revisit it and managed to almost read it through without more than a few tears. I am lost for words really. Im just so very very sorry for your loss of one of your best friends. They sure do break your heart.

Hang in there, fellow cat lovers.