Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Songwriting Machine!!

Well, not exactly. But I have been doing a lot of writing lately. Its funny: I go through these "dry spells" where I wont write anything for months. And then, suddenly, there comes a monsoon of verse. Being asked to write a wedding song for Chris and Michelle has been a great honor, and a great impetus to write. And then there's Callum. He gives me plenty of "fodder." But he just never gives me time to write it down. I'm finding the melodies come easily....but the lyrics are very difficult to write, since its hard to find good, solid chunks of the "quiet time" I need. But the wheels are in motion for a good 4 or 5 new songs, and I can't wait to share them--which is my all time favorite thing to do in the world. So come on over, and we'll go down into the men's den in the basement and I'll swoon you. All of you. Or, if you want some recorded stuff, let me know.

Jonathan got a Nintendo Wii. Amanda was playing baseball, and she was pretty good at it. They tried to get me to play, but, with all due respect to people who enjoy the Wii, I find the whole thing kind of pointless. Maybe its because I like to go outside and play with real people. But I dont know. Maybe my bias is skewed by the fact that I'm an educator, and there are many many schools that want to buy Wiis as part of their phys. ed and special ed programs. They think they'll "inspire" kids to exercise. Once again: GO OUTSIDE. There must be some wood to stack or leaves to rake someplace.....

(why is Jared so bitter??)
What a happy little guy! Callum is getting ready to find out tomorrow if he's having a boy cousin or a girl cousin. Even though Daddy knows its a boy cousin, Kristin and Anthony's ultrasound will confirm it for sure. Either way, Callum told us, he can't wait to play trucks, take baths, and elicit work for his snow removal business (a long story which I will tell sometime).

Chins anyone?
Because if you need a few, Callum has plenty to spare. The little moose has tons of Halloween attire, and he's wearing it all each day as he gets ready for his first trick or treating experience. Well, he's not actually going trick or treating, but he is a) dressing up (as a pumpkin) and b) going to a party (the annual Goldsmith-Greenlaw "block" event). Its Cindy's birthday and they really do it up for Halloween. Which reminds me: we've got to go buy some candy for the 300+ trick or treaters we get. Now, if I was a liberal democrat, I'd be looking for some government subsidies to defray the cost of the candy I have to buy to "hand out" to the trick or treaters. I mean, why should I have to pay for it all? But, I'm a Republican. (wah wah wah).
Good luck tomorrow Favry's (and good luck with the ultrasound too!)
*note-the previous joke was made because both "grandmothers" will be accompanying the parents to be to their appointment.


Anonymous said...

Nannie says this "Grandmother" is very good, I will try to behave, but we shall see.

I love the Chins,,,,, and his Halloween get up, he looks so much like his father and Great Grandfather it is scary.

Callum certainly is a cute litte PUMPKIN!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Callum sure is cute with his little double chin. Happy Halloween pumpkin. I have to go out and buy a dictionary, "impetus", "fodder" ???? Show off!!!!

Anonymous said...

Callum, Auntie see you tomorrow!!!
She is trying to call Daddy and Mommy to tell them if you are having a boy cousin or girl cousin but they aren't anwsering their me Callum

Anonymous said...

ja, you're the first person i've heard of who didn't have fun playing the wii.