If I ever had the guts to do something with my music and make a CD, I think I'd use this for an album cover. I love the "grace" of this photograph.....
Callum in the pumpkin patch, overwhelmed by all the pum-deens to choose from! Also, I love his new jacket

It was just like Charlie Brown! Callum carries his "meow" with him 96.2% of his waking hours....

Callum in the pumpkin patch, overwhelmed by all the pum-deens to choose from! Also, I love his new jacket

It was just like Charlie Brown! Callum carries his "meow" with him 96.2% of his waking hours....

Amanda and I celebrated our sixth wedding anniversary today; I can't believe how fast the time has gone. I do consider myself the most blessed man on the earth, as I have a beautiful, supportive, and compassionate woman with whom I share my life....and together we have a little walking bundle of personality. Life is good.
On Saturday, we took Callum out for breakfast at the Flatlanda' (of course!) and then over to former WHS teacher Fred Nasser's "Eagle View Farm" for some pumpkin picking. Fred has a great setup, complete with a "haunted trail" on which to walk en route to the pumpkin patch. Once you are down there, you've basically got your pick of about 500 pumpkins (he planted 1000 seeds, but the rain made it a bad year). Callum had a great time, as the pictures demonstrate. And after selecting his pum-deen (Callumish for pumpkin) Farmer Fred let him feed the chickens! Callum held an ear of corn up by the chicken wire, and the birds went to town. I'd have to say that right now, farm animals are by FAR Callum's favorite things in the world (even more so than Elmo....I think).
After this, Lynne and George came by to watch Callum, so Amanda and I could go out and celebrate our sixth by spending the day together. We decided to first go on a nice long bike ride. Needless to say, that will be my last ride for a while, since both my bike AND my body are in disrepair. I took a pretty nasty fall of my bike, after crossing some railroad tracks and having my back tire literally come out from underneath me. I didnt even know what hit me; I was on the ground like a sack of potatoes. Railroad tracks are often the bane of cyclist's existences, and today I met my match I guess--the bike tires have no tread on them, and tracks can be very dangerous. Hopefully the good people at Mathieu's can fix my Allez...but I am more concerned about my whole left side; I have some pretty nasty roadrash, as well as some "structural" stuff going on with my knee. 17 mph might not sound like a lot in a car, but when I coasted over the tracks at this speed, it was pretty effective at hurting me. Thank God Amanda was there! Oh well...we'll see what happens.
For dinner, we went to Graziano's La Casa Mia....which is the ULTIMATE in homemade, authentic Italian food (Thurstons take note!). The restaurant, in Lisbon, looks like a dive....but inside it is absolute bliss. Check them out on line (http://www.grazianoscasamia.com/) and see for yourself....only 40 minutes away, and blows the socks off of craparitas (New Jerseyans take note!)
Happy Anniversary Amanda. Here's to AT LEAST 6 more.......haha
wow, look at all those comments come pouring in......
What a great weekend! Callum was so funny in the pumpkin patch. He loved pointing out all the "bundins" (pumpkins). Not to mention the rest of his day with Grammy and Grampy - lunch at mcDonalds, family day at Longfellows greenhouses, dinner at Governors... By bedtime he was exhausted! And so were we!
We've accomplished a lot in six years, haven't we Jared? I love you!
Jared are you sure these are not old photos of you in that pumpkin field. OMG sure looks like ya when you were that age.
Happy 6th Anniversay yes the time has flown by, can't beleive how fast.
Funny, every morning and night when I go to open or close the windows, I see the little fall decoration of the cat in the wagon and I can't help but say out loud every day,,,, MEOW"..... Callum pointed that right out to me when I was showing him my fall window display.
Enjoy your suprise coming in the mail Callum..........
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