Monday, April 2, 2012

Annoying male food show hosts....

I am increasingly annoyed by the way my species gender is portrayed in television food programs. Have you noticed there arent that many male "chefs" anymore--and the ones that are, if they arent non-Caucasian, are typecast into barbeque type segments? Alas, males on food networky types of channels have been emasculated to merely VISITING other restaurants, being loud, and annoying people while they eat. Have you seen these? Here is the formula they use: First, find the most unhealthy, off the beaten path, obscure, and gimmicky (while at the same time being world famous) restaurant, and tout it like you discovered it yourself. This makes them look "grungely hipsterish." Second, they hang out outside the restaurant, yelling and screaming about how awesome the restaurant is. Then they go inside and interrupt EVERYONE'S day--the cooks, the patrons, the servers, etc (Oh...sorry...before they go into the restaurant, they make sure they have enough hair product in). Once they are in, they go into the kitchen and kiss the cook's behind, telling him how awesome it is that he combines (pick one) mayo with hamburger grease with fried onions with glazed donuts with four types of cheese with a specially baked roll with fried bologna with some type of secret sauce, etc. Then they take a bite of whatever the stupid gimmicky artery clogging bacon laden item is, and react in a way that is more cliche than pink Redsox hats on girls in April. OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, they say, while simultaneously wiping their soul patched chin of cheese AND giving the cook a cool "manly" handshake and calling him "one crazy bro," or something of the like. Then it is off to annoy the customers--JUST as some innocent retired looking man is about to take a bite of his tunajiveymozzarellabomb, the overweight TV host gets all up in their face asking them questions like HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN COMING HERE? and WHAT DID YOU GET? and HOW WAS IT? and WHY DID MY PARENTS HATE ME AND FORCE ME TO GET ATTENTION IN THIS MANNER? and WHEN THIS SEGMENT IS OVER CAN I SIT WITH YOU AND CAN WE BE FRIENDS FOREVER? What annoys me even more are the behemoth cases of ethnocentrism they patrons have about their silly, backwoods grotto of a restaurant....and it is usually about totally NORMAL and BORING items (we have the best peanut butter and jelly in the south!) or items that seemingly would be the same anywhere you go (we SPECIALLY boil OUR corn on the cob here....) The bragging is just ridiculous. I will never go to your restaurant. Ever. (mostly cuz no one would sit with me, however)

The ongoing emasculating of my male species. Now playing on food network....

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