Thursday, April 5, 2012

MeAnDeRiNgS 72

1. We have Disney on ice, Sesame street on ice, and everything else on ice. What about VIDEO GAMES on ice? I'm surprised we dont have funny would this be? Picture Super Mario Bros on ice, where the whole thing is just these little koopa turtles on ice trying to get a little Italian ice skater, and he constantly is skating away from them. Or Call of Duty on ice, where basically its just a bunch of misfit high school kids, who have learned to ice skate, and are playing air soft, wearing burger king drive thru headsets, while they entertain kids eating popcorn. Hilarity.
2. When I tell Amanda: "We're having split pea soup for supper" and she says "OOH....SOUNDS GOOD!" How can food SOUND good? It can smell and taste good. But can it SOUND like anything? I guess bacon frying SOUNDS good. But I dont know. Whatever.
3. Is one solitary candy from a bag of Reeses Pieces call a Reeses PIECE? Or a Reeses 'PEESEE?' I'd like to think it is pronounced PEESEE; how often in our lives will we otherwise get to say it. Join me.
4. Sometimes movies are rated R for "Suggestive Adult Behavior." What does this mean exactly? So, they are 'suggesting' I try this 'behavior' on my own, if I am really to be an adult? Are they trying to teach me something? Is it like "hey..I dont know what you are up to later, but why not find a girl and try this, ya know? Just a suggestion..."
5. Every single time we see "heaven" in pictures, movies, or TV, we see angels, playing harps, standing around on clouds. BUT, if heaven is supposed to be a "perfect" place, then shouldnt there be NO clouds? Wouldnt it always be blue skies and sunny? HA! CAUGHT YA!
6. The word "rejoice." We think this means "be happy and celebrate." But what if I am already happy, and NOT sad? What if I dont have to REdo it again. Can I just "joice" and call it good?
7. Coming soon to a theater near you: "Negative Relationships: A Math Romance." Shut up.

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