Friday, April 20, 2012

Dirty Weekdays....

First, check out Callum's crazy hair......

okay. So this past weekend was Dirty Weekdays:The Pilot Episode. Since when Jay and I (and John and Tim) all get together we call it dirty weekEND, we figured that if we ever got the kids involved it would be weekDAYS. John and Tim arent man enough to have kids yet, so Jay and I have yet another alliance with fatherhood. JJ, who is my Godson, is a couple of years older than Callum....but the two had an absolute blast with each other. JJ was EVER patient with Callum and his "youngness," which still extends into the sharing realm, etc.

The Ponticelli males arrived on Sunday afternoon/evening, and I had been smyoking a hyam on the BBQ. The crowd seemed to love this. Then we just kind of hung out outside, played a bunch of football, keepaway, etc. On Monday, we went on a wonderful canoe paddle on the Messalonskee Stream (after, of course, a proper breakfast at The Flatlanda) #kingofbreakfast

Here are the two goons as we prepare to paddle. Check out the boots....

The paddle was great. and the weather was even better. We saw countless painted turtles sunning themselves on logs, etc. AND, we saw a gargantuan snapper turtle hanging out just below the surface of the water. This actually marked the first of two snapper turtles we would see that day...the second one was seen on a "nature walk" we took across the street from our house, back on the trails that lead to the ball fields and snowmobile trails #star'splaygroundswamp

Neither one of the boys actually wanted the ATV "on" cuz it was too loud (how they would know this, I dont know....). So, instead, the took turns DRIVING in the garage.....JJ was driving so fyast that he made his dad very ascared....
 Callum just got such a kick out of Jay and his silliness....Callum laughed pretty much nonstop the whole weekend....and you can tell he really looks up to JJ, cuz JJ is an "older" kid. For example, JJ slept on the futon in his CARS sleeping bag. Now, since Sunday night, Callum has slept in HIS sleeping bag. JJ and Callum were referred to not by their names all weekend, but by their NICKnames. JJ's nickname is JubJub (i dont know why....his dad calls him that). And Callum's is peppep, since Callum, in many ways is  like an old  Pepe grandfather in the way he is always so darn cautious about everything...he loves to give people directions and feedback while he WATCHES the other people work, and he loves to "organize" the logistics of how we will race, play ball, etc....

 Miaira had a blast with the Ponticellis too....let's not leave her out. This was the first time Jay had gotten to meet Maira, and they immediately bonded...she, too, thought he was funny. Maira was outside with us all weekend, playing on her pink scooter and pushing around her "vacuum." The face she is making below is the new "Maira Face," which is made when she is doing something she KNOWS is very funny....she, like her brother, is getting to be quite the ham


Timey said...

One day, I will be a real man.

Good for yous. This was nice.

#kingofbreakfasts #princeofgifts said...

We hyad a great time!



Nannie said...

Miss Maira so cute

JJ and Callum are Jared and Jason about 26 years ago

"oh my stars how time flies by"

Nannie said...

My little puppy's name is Wags
He eats so much that his belly sags "