Monday, December 9, 2013

A big conversation awaits...

Tonight marked a very interesting conversation with Callum...and, since he is only five, I know there will be much more to come. I was reading him CURIOUS GEORGE'S CHRISTMAS and, in the story, George brings a huge tree to a children's hospital and brings the kids lots of joy and glee. Callum interrupted me to comment on how sad it would be to have to spend Christmas in a hospital. I took the opportunity to bring up my cancer for the first time, although I didnt mention the actual word 'cancer' because I know he would have no clue what it meant. So, I just told him about how when I was a boy...about the age of the students I teach...I went to the hospital right after Christmas (January 2 to be exact) and spent a lot of time there. "Why did you do that??" Callum asked. I then went on, telling him how I was really sick and I had to spend lots of time going to the hospital....and once I had to stay there for over two weeks....and Nannie and Papa took good care of me....and my friends came to visit me....and I didnt feel good....ALL types of 'stuff' was born out of this teachable moment. Then, I stopped, and there was silence, as Callum looked at me curiously--I could tell he wanted to ask me something. "What do you want to say, pal," I asked. " you have to get a shot??" That is all the kid extrapolated from this conversation, because, right now, nothing in the world is scarier than a shot. Ahh, the innocence of youth. Now you understand why this post is called what it is--it is interesting to me to think that both of my children (two of the people I am closest to in all the world) know virtually nothing about the most life altering experience I have ever had in my existence. Weird huh. Anyway....

One of the projects Callum recently worked on at school was making his Christmas list. I tried to rotate the pic, but could not. But you can turn your head ya lazy bones! His list is pretty comical.....

Maira took a pretty big fall the other day and bumped her was scary. She just wanted to be held and held and held. Amanda was out at the stohr, and I was alone with the kids. There came a point where I HAD to put her down to go to the bathroom, stoke the fire, etc. She wouldnt hear of it! Then, all of the sudden, Callum pipes up "Dad! I can hold my sister." And so he did. For a good twenty minutes or so they sat together by the fire as you see below. Beautiful. Then they both lay on the couch and Callum let her choose a DVD to watch..he was so good at taking care of her! He is a great big brother and these two are best friends!

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