Saturday, March 8, 2008

A video of my wife stripping

the wallpaper that exists in the Bean's future bedroom. Stripping wallpaper absolutely sucks. If I have to do any more, I think I am going to have to take some of the leftover Vycodin from my tooth extraction first. But Amanda actually seems to enjoy it. She is doing a terrific job, and she said her goal is to finish it before I come back from D.C. next Sunday. I hope that goal is realized, because then we can start painting and such and such. Then his little room will start to take shape.

You'll notice on the video I show Thomas's "corner." What is funny is that, for the three years in which we have lived here, Thomas has probably been in that room a total of 3 times. But, for some reason, we CANNOT keep him out of there now. He neither sleeps in front of the stove, nor sleeps with us at night--as is per usual. Instead, he curls up on top of old wallpaper and sleeps there all the time. Its like he can't wait for his "little brother" to arrive in 3 and 1/2 months . . .


Anonymous said...

I think its interesting that we both posted pictures today of our wives working hard while we hold cameras. Are we really smart, or...

Michelle Garner said...

Let me know if you any help!

Anonymous said...

Donna and I now have a blog.

Anonymous said...

Oh my, I don't like stripping wall paper either of course I only did it once and then I was the one holding the camera for Uncle Bob!!!

Anonymous said...

If I lived in Maine I could help.