Tuesday, December 18, 2007

One week until Christmas . . . .

And my shopping is just about done. I actually have to say I'm excited about the gifts we're giving out to people this year . . .I think each gift suits the individual, which is always good. I am very happy about what I've gotten for Amanda this year; we figure, with the baby coming and all, this is the final year (for a LONG TIME probably) that we'll be able to give good gifts to each other, so we are kind of "going crazy" a little. Its fun to just go into a store, see something you think your wife will like, and then just buy it. I LOVE one of the gifts I got her today . . .I actually wish I could have it. So obviously, that means its not women's underwear. . . . .or is it?

Our menu is set for Christmas Eve (just about) and Amanda has scheduled this Friday for her annual cookie baking symposium. This year for Christmas Eve I'm going to do seafood: clam chowder, baked stuffed haddock, and fried whale. This will be our third Christmas in our house, and I like the tradition that has been started where we host Christmas Eve dinner. Now we've just got to get the Mass. family up to Maine . . .

I love the business of the week leading up to Christmas--all the last minute shopping, the "mystery" involved when Amanda or I just "step out" for a few minutes to pick "something" up, the cooking and food shopping, the crowds, etc. Tonight Amanda is making her delicious truffle dish for her office party tomorrow; she's also making a delicious pickle dip, a recipe given to us by Michelle Clark. Its delicious for pregnant women because its creamy, sweet, sour, and bitter all at the same time

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am loving these blogs!!! Very nice. It makes you really want to get into the spirit of things. By the way Panda, can I have the recipe for your dip???? I am not pregnant but it sounds good. Happy Holidays, I miss you guys.