Thursday, October 4, 2007

A Long Thursday

Last night Amanda went to the "So You Think You Can Dance" television show "recital" thingy with Melsie. They drove down to Portland after work, by the time Amanda got home, it was after midnight. I tried to stay up for her, but I was beat too, since Eric and I took a long run on one of the awesome new trails they have along the river in Fairfield--but I watched the game, read, did some songwriting, and played with the cat. By the time we went to bed it was well after one.

Today, being Thursday, was a long day for me due to two reasons. The first would be that I was beat. The second would be that we had to sit through a seven hour "workshop" on "Rigor and Relevance" in schools--or, as I like to say, "wigga and wewevance" just to keep myself awake. It is imperative that you attend these educational workshops and seminars with a sense of humor, since if you don't, you'll end up gouging out your eyes with a dull pencil tip. One one hand, I feel bad for these people who make their living as "presenters" or "facilitators" for these workshops. They HAVE to be aware that NO ONE wants to listen to all the recycled bullcrap that they spin around the room, and that has to eat at them--they must notice the lack of attention they receive or the side conversations and giggles they inspire. But on the other hand, they deserve it, if they are going to speak "Ph.D-ese" at us all day, and hide behind their degree as they tell us how to teach, but meanwhile haven't set foot in a classroom for years.

Instead of my planned 4 mile run this afternoon, I came home, took Thomas down to the den, put him on my lap, and fell asleep in the recliner chair. I was exhausted--I only woke up once Amanda got home. We had a nice night, as Karl and Jodi came by for dinner. I cooked a huge ham, baked beans, and corn. Karl made some homemade cream puffs which he topped with a freshly melted Hershey bar.

One of the reason I love cooking big hams, large steaks, and oversized pots of soup now is because we got a "Foodsaver" from . . .you guessed it: QVC. This thing sucks! Literally. It vacuum seals your food for you, and keeps food in the freezer for up to 2 years!!! No more freezer burn or flavorless food or anything like that. Plus, its wicked fun to do. I know that someday our kids will love helping mommy seal the food--it seems like a fun little game: you get to watch the air being sucked out of the bag, there is a wicked cool noise that is made, and then you get to stack everything neatly in the freezer. Who knew cleanup could be this fun? Thanks Foodsaver!!!


Anonymous said...

Jared - I think you are absolutely hilarious. Your blogs always bring a smile to my face. :)

Anonymous said...

Buy the time you have kids, bags for that machine will not be avaialable, and Qvc will be a thing of the past.

Anonymous said...

I told you Jared you would love QVC! Now we can have pea soup when I come up in November.

Lauren & Brian said...

Bob Thorley is a huge fan of the "Foodsaver". You'll have to exchange "sealing stories" next time you see him! ha ha!