Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wednesday Is Bachelor Night

I love Amanda, and she loves me, so dont get me wrong--but I love having my bachelor night on Wednesdays. Granted, its on Wednesday, so I can't go out or anything, but I love coming home and just doing my own thing while Amanda goes to her orchestra rehearsal. I think that in every relationship, no matter how much you love spending time with the other person, it is also nice to have "space" time too--I know Amanda loves it when I am off on my adventures.

Tonight I came home from school and went over to Violette's lumber to pick up some wood to make a coat rack for the mud room. Then I went over to the track at Lawrence to do my sprint interval training for about a half hour. Upon returning home, I constructed and hung the coat rack, vacuumed the house (see, I'm a good man) and took a shower for as long as I wanted too. I even blasted Rage Against the Machine while I lathered myself. I just wrote the word "lather." Dinner tonight was a rotisserie chicken from Hannaford, and I watched TV while I ate. Then, after I did my nightly therapy for my terminal Restless Leg Syndrome, I did the dishes.

But it was while I did the dishes that I indulged in one of my guilty, sophomoric pleasures: The Jerky Boys. Some folks say it was a book they read, a tragedy they witnessed, or a revelation they had that impacted them the most in their life. For me--just like my friends Jay and Johnny--I turned out the way I am mostly from the Jerky Boys. The Jerky Boys are two idiot geniuses who made a fortune off of prank calling people and then recording it onto CDs. Growing up througout my high school years, nothing influenced me more than these crank callers.

They simply opened up a whole new realm of comedy for my friends and I; I can remember going to Strawberries Music with Johnny C in his maroon Grand Am that never ran properly. We drove over to the store at Westgate Mall to pick up the recently released "Part 2" album, and listened on the way home. Actually, it took us a while to get home, because, as I remember, we had to pull over in the parking lot because we were essentially hyperventilating from laughing so hard. 12 years later, Jay, John, and I could still recite, almost verbatim, a cadre of prank calls. What's more is how we identify so deeply as friends because of the Jerky Boys--I know this must sound so stupid, but we are so in sync with each other because of the high comedy of the albums. I could say "he smokes cigarettes and such" (a line from the "monkey" skit), and Johnny could easily finish my sentence, referencing the context of the prank: "I dont think that would stunt his growth" (the very next line, of course).

You are probably bored reading this. Sorry. But as I listened to the CD tonight, it took me right back to high school days where we laughed so hard at such stupid stuff. These days, I scoff at the things my high schoolers think is funny--I look at the dumb youtube videos and think to myself "wow . . .this is lame." But I guess funny is all relative. I'm sure I was lame (and still am to some degree) once. I think everyone needs to regress once in a while--its healthy, it keeps us young and not so serious, and it affirms our humanness.

I'm off to go watch the smurfs . . .


Anonymous said...

Didn't we give you a coat rack? If your not gonna use it give it back you theif

Belle said...

I didn't know the Smurfs were still on TV.

Anonymous said...

You are one of the original jerky boys, love.

Anonymous said...

I need to dance. Don't you see it!

Anonymous said...

I need all my shoes and glasses

Anonymous said...

Cigarette smoking actually stunted my growth. Why are you picking on me?

Anonymous said...

I'd rather follow dump trucks and search for tote bags while pondering our changing times than enjoy a "Bachelor Night"

Anonymous said...

....wait...maybe that IS my version of a Bachelor Night.

Anonymous said...

He thinks he's an artist

Anonymous said...

Great shout out ja! It's funny and a little sad that about 90% of our conversations and emails consist entirely of jerky boys dialogue.

Anonymous said...

I have utha lawn chairs.

Unknown said...

Apparently I never listened to the jerkys. . . .I thought we were boys. I must have been in lol that day.

Anonymous said...

You want a little information?

Anonymous said...

I smell bacon, do you smell bacon?

Anonymous said...

go play down de block!

Anonymous said...

You breaka da windows. Son esclipses sona bus hannabus!

Anonymous said...

and thanks for the 'lather' visual. i thought you were gonna keep this blog clean.