Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Truly Fall Maine Sunday

Finally . . .a cold night followed by a brisk morning rich in sunshine. Living in New England, we are blessed with having the 4 seasons (sometimes its more like two though). I can't imagine living anywhere else in the USA where they dont have winter, spring, summer, and fall. I just get so excited for the changing of the seasons, since, with each season, I have a different set of memories and a different set of feelings, smells, tastes, and sights with which I identify. Its amazing just how much power the seasons hold over us--I find myself getting more stressed out, more relaxed, more likely to sleep well at night, and more likely to have insomnia just because of the seasons.

Anyway, this morning, after church, we swung over G-mom and G-pop's to pay them a short visit--I had borrowed some of grandpop's tools that he needed back, and we dropped off a lamp for him to fix (he used to run a fix-it shop). It was cute: they had lunch virtually all ready for us when we got there (ham salad, pickles, banana peppers, and chips). We told them we might be swinging by after church, and I guess they counted on us! After that, we headed home where I abruptly went upstairs to take a nap. I dont know what it is (maybe the seasons?) but I get so tired lately; I fell asleep on the 25 minute ride home to our house. Good thing I wasnt driving . . .wah wah wah . . .

Amanda was sweet enough to cover me up, and as you can see, Thomas P. nuzzled his little salmon breathed self underneath the blanket to nap with his daddy. Upon waking up, I went out to mow the lawn for hopefully the last time of the season, and greeted Amanda who was doing some weeding, washing out bird feeders, and working with me to get our place "winterized." I built a nice fire for Amanda and Thomas, and then it was plop time on the couch to watch the Pats remain undefeated as they beat the Cowboys. When the game ended, Sally and I participated in one of our favorite seasonal rituals: the clothes swap. We put away our "summer" clothes, and take out our "winter" clothes. Its a fun little game we play where we pretend to "throw away" the clothes our partner has which we detest; I swear, Amanda has some shirts that remind of things like rainy Monday mornings and chemotherapy. Sorry babycakes. Its also fun because its sort of like opening up presents that you've opened up 4 or 5 times before--its like I "forget" that I had "that shirt" or something, and then I get all excited to wear it again, and create evermore seasonal memories.

1 comment:

Michelle Garner said...

Hi guys...loved your blog today! Fall happsn to be my favorite time of year, as well, and reading about the changing over of clothes and the winterizing of your house reminded me of all the things that have to be done before winter comes. There really is nothing better, however, than curling up on the couch on a Sunday...I only wish I had a wood stove I could enjoy like you both can...hi Thomas P.!