Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween Part 2

I am a grumpy old man . . .

Halloween is such an AMERICAN holiday, and here is why

1. it teaches people they can get things (candy) just by being fake (costumed) and saying what everyone wants to hear (trick or treat)

2. it is perfectly in sync with our totally liberal-entitled"gimmie gimmie" culture where people just expect things for free without working for them. . .and if they dont get free stuff, they vandalize your property by smashing pumpkins or toilet papering your trees

3. it celebrates the promiscuous, egregious, and carnal

4. Americans are addicted to sugar

5. there IS somewhat of exercise involved in the act of trick or treating . . .but its sole motivation is to get stuff loaded with calories in the first place

6. people can act out their sexual fantasies of dressing in drag OR as a slut OR as a Power Ranger . . .and its perfectly acceptable--for one night

7. it teaches kids that its okay . . .even a rite of passage . . .to damage other people's property if you dont get what you want

8. in an age where, increasingly, we are limiting our person to person contact and hiding behind technology (texting, IMing, emailing, etc.), trick or treating is yet again another opportunity for people to mask their true identity, hide from the world, and not be accountable for things they do or say . . ..because "I' didnt do it---it was "Batman."

9. we get to buy cheap stuff made in hong kong, and then throw it away when we are bored with it (how many of us actually keep our old plastic costumes from WalMart?)

10. every year, the debate rages about how Halloween is, in itself, a "pagan" holiday, and we advertise it in schools and in public places . . . .and, in America, liberals are always looking for an excuse to bring up the separation of church and state topic again . . .

BUT . . .it is a lot of fun to be with friends and neighbors. Like I wrote in my last entry, I went over to the Greenlaws for Cindy's birthday/Halloween party. I tried to take pictures of our street which, seriously, should have been blocked off by the police--walking down Military Ave between 5 and 7 was like walking down "frat row" at UNH on a Saturday night between, well, 1AM and 3AM . . .it was impossible to drive a car down the road. We estimated we probably saw well over 200 trick or treaters. We had fun . . .Cindy made a stellar lasagna (or 3) and we ate candy, Hillmans, and cheese and crackers. I brought over our fire pit and we had a nice fire to stand by. It was a great, family friendly atmosphere!

To go with my above "rant" about Halloween, the following happened at around 5:15 tonight: I worked out at the track from about 4-5. Upon driving home to my house, sweaty, dirty, and achy, I noticed kids already out getting candy. NO JOKE-these parents, leading their kids, followed my truck right into my driveway and WAITED while I opened the truck door. TRICK OR TREAT they said, holding out their bags towards me. I looked at the parents. Surely, they realized the ridiculousness of this, right? Nope. "Guys . . .I am just getting home . . .let me get out of the truck first," I said, half jokingly and half pissed off. "Should we wait here, or just come back? How long do you think you will be?" asked the parents.

This is what's happening to Halloween.


Anonymous said...

OMG. One mistake Jared. It's not what's "happening to Halloween." It's "what's happening to today's parents." Jeez. How RUDE were they? I can't believe you were even nice about it...all they had to do was notice that you were OBVIOUSLY just getting home, pass you by, and continue trick-or-treating. Unbelieveable.

As usual, I loved your rant. Halloween, while entertaining for children, really IS all about "gimme, gimme, gimme."

P.S. I'll be bringing chocolate chip cookies tomorrow - stop in and get one. :) (Amanda, I'll send some home for you!)

Randy said...

non cranky old-timer PERSPECTIVE: the other side of "gimme, gimme, gimme" is "give, give, give" ... we distribute peanuts for halloween (unsalted, of course) along with an informative health education pamphlet on the hazards of sugar and another one on diabetes. seems to go over pretty well with the kids.
SIGNED: a liberal (who gets a lot of trick-or-treaters)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Jared and Michelle: when did the two of you celebrate your 75th birthdays?!? Lighten up, sourpuss!

Anonymous said...

I give you candy and you don't even dress up, but you do have a funny face!

Belle said...

I too was greeted in my driveway as I arrived home from work by trick-or-treaters. Can't they at least wait until 6:00pm.

Emma had a blast but liked giving the candy out more than trick-or-treating.

Loved your rant and find it so true but just also wanted to add since when did Halloween become such a HUGE holiday. I mean people decorate their houses and go all out just like it's Christmas. Pretty soon just like Charlie Brown's Great Pumpkin our kids will be awaiting the Great Pumpkin to deliver presents.

Anonymous said...

gimme gimme gimme more of someone else's lasagna - YUM!

Anonymous said...

your all a bunch of scrooges! bah humbug

Anonymous said...

You suck!

Anonymous said...

Randy: Peanuts?!?! With today's allergies to foods?I think you're the one who's nuts!

Jared: Are your pubes greying? You cranky bitch.

Anonymous said...

Don't be so serious. Halloween is supposed to be a fun time especially for the children. Way too much negative vibes, lighten up you'll live longer!

Anonymous said...

who is 'qvc queen'?

Anonymous said...

Hey Jared, Don't forget to watch Dennis Basso!