Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Do you see this?

This is my keyboard, which I keep downstairs in the den. I've got a great, cozy spot in which to write, play, and sing. But all I've been able to do for TWO months now is look at this keyboard--the same way you're looking at it right now. My instrument is not working, and the part I ordered (a simple adapter cable . . .that was not in stock) has taken a ridiculous amount of time to ship--I ordered it on January 2nd, and it just shipped out three days ago or something. So, literally, I have not played my keyboard since my last concert which was on November 30th . . .and even then I had to use the music department's Roland (I should point out, however, that I deliberately put the word "keyboard" instead of "instrument" in this sentence because I know someone like Ortiz or Ponch would write 'I know you just played your instrument this morning . . .wah wah wah' or something like that). Anyway, songwriting and performing is such a huge part of my life--a part that, ironically enough, many people I am closest with don't often get to see--and it is driving me crazy that I cannot play my music. Hopefully the adapter will arrive tomorrow or so.
In other news, Amanda's belly is getting huge, and I am going to the doctors because I think I have strep throat. Oh and our driveway and garage is heaving unbelievably because of the all the cold days and the previous "warm spell." And oh yeah, the writer's strike is killing me to. And I cut my lip and it hurts. And Thomas is eating sardines tonight and its disgusting. Oh and I dont always use contractions because I'm lazy . . .but I also dont write in fragments. And I think that's all. Have a nice day


Anonymous said...

ooo, I hope you don't have strep because that would not be fun! I'm sorry you cut your lip. And I think you should post a picture of Amanda's belly now...or send one to me! hehe Amanda, I'll e-mail you back tomorrow!! =) miss you guys!

Anonymous said...

hey nacho! good to hear from you. I will post some new pictures of sally's belly. actually, I think this would be funny:I will post a picture of Sally's belly and then my belly . . .and then people have to guess whose is whose. fun. Hope things are going well Nacho. See ya later!

Belle said...

Jared you seemed unhappy last night :( Maybe it's all those pregnancy hormones.

Great idea about posting pictures of Panda's belly since some of us don't get to see her much.

Anonymous said...

if you moved to maine you would see her belly all the time

Anonymous said...

you're right Sardines are disgusting. M.I.L. & g-mom love Sardine sandwiches. Maybe they are part cat! Ya, I want to see some pictures of Amanda's belly and yours too if you feel like showing it.

Belle said...

I know anonymous, your right. I don't know if I said this before or not but I wished I lived in Maine :)

Anonymous said...

michelle, i wished you lived in maine too. it would be fun to drink with you and stevee cee more often. i think you'd help loosen people up around here

Anonymous said...

Ah, Maine. Where, if the one store in town doesn't have it, you have to wait six weeks for someone from civilization to bring it to you.

You could try playing the [skin flute, bag pipe, etc.] in the meantime. I refuse to grow up.

Anonymous said...

Jared, Why do you call Mel Nacho?
I know there has to be a logical explanation, just curious. I can't wait to hear from you.

Belle said...

I thought you call Mel nacho because she alway's orders them when you go out?

The Goldsmiths said...

yes, that is why i call her nacho . . because she loves nachos.

hey, jr . . .congrats! I just heard Charlestown NH now has a 40% literacy rate! That's like doubled since you've left, right? Hope all is well and talk to you soon, dink

Anonymous said...

Ja, I would not say something sophomoric like "You played your instrument this morning" nor would I stoop so low as to say "You play with your organ in the basement."

Give me a little credit, will ya?

I really hope your strep clears up. That way you can get back to smoking your pink cigars. PREVERT!

Unknown said...